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Which Jazz player was biggest disappointment ever to you?

Saying Boozer, Big Al, or DWill is moronic...
The others listed have their place and its opinion I guess, but for me, its simple....
AK hands down
Hmmm, I'd have to say Raul Lopez. We criticize the Jazz for drafting him ahead of Parker, but Lopez was a baller before his knees betrayed him. Can't blame the Jazz for not foreseeing that. Had he been healthy, I think Lopez could have been a more than solid player with potential to be very good.
Agreed. And now that I think about it Jeff Malone was a disappointment. No range on his jumpshot, bad back and slow feet. It was a rough stretch looking for a replacement for Bobby Hansen and the Golden Griff.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Malone part of the package that got us Hornacek in a trade? If true, then God bless Malone, he did more for us than many another Jazzman.
It's either Willaims for being a bitch or AK for being a hack. Take your pick. If you have a differen't opinion than that, you're ****ing retarded and don't know basketball.
DeShawn Stevenson. Just because I was still at an age where I bought into draft hype and it was pre-youtube where we couldn't see any videos of the guys. I think nbadraft.net even had his comparison being Michael Jordan at the time, and while I never was naive enough to believe he would be that good, I figured he had to be a lot better than he would eventually show out to be for anybody "professional" to even go there. And then I saw him for the first time in person in his first summer league and he still had me convinced he would become a Jazz building block. Not so...not so.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Malone part of the package that got us Hornacek in a trade? If true, then God bless Malone, he did more for us than many another Jazzman.

Yes, the trade was essentially Jeff Malone for Horny. With maybe some filler.
DeShawn Stevenson. Just because I was still at an age where I bought into draft hype and it was pre-youtube where we couldn't see any videos of the guys. I think nbadraft.net even had his comparison being Michael Jordan at the time, and while I never was naive enough to believe he would be that good, I figured he had to be a lot better than he would eventually show out to be for anybody "professional" to even go there. And then I saw him for the first time in person in his first summer league and he still had me convinced he would become a Jazz building block. Not so...not so.

I actually forgot "You cant see me" DeShawn, good call....he is right up there for sure. I remember thinking OMG, the Jazz took a chance and drafted a high school kid that is black instead of a 4 year in college white stiff.. I was excited as hell and sorta bought into the hype at the time.

Just think how many of these "fail" players would have been great IF they had Mailman work ethic....yeah some of them were injury fall outs, but most of them just didnt ever pan out even though they had tons of talent.
MOST players that get drafted are freaking athletic supermen, with all the talent in the world. Effort and hard work and the willingness to accept they have much to learn and then the dedication to put in the time and effort to actually make themselves better set apart the gifted 'busts' from the gifted stars, IMO

Of course, some guys are just that much better than everyone else...
I actually forgot "You cant see me" DeShawn, good call....he is right up there for sure. I remember thinking OMG, the Jazz took a chance and drafted a high school kid that is black instead of a 4 year in college white stiff.. I was excited as hell and sorta bought into the hype at the time.

What do you mean?
Just when the Jazz turned Stevenson into the role player they wanted, they traded him for junk.
Not to mention the guy is still in the league over 10 years later.
He's clearly one of the 5 percenters that stay in the league that long.
Walter Palmer

Walter Palmer was a second round pick, albeit a higher pick at 33. Still, I don't think we should be any more disappointed in him that say Junie 'Peanut Butter' Lewis, who was our second-round pick the previous year.

I would bet that the Jazz have had more second round picks that turned out to be decent players than most other teams.
What do you mean?
Just when the Jazz turned Stevenson into the role player they wanted, they traded him for junk.
Not to mention the guy is still in the league over 10 years later.
He's clearly one of the 5 percenters that stay in the league that long.
What do I mean? I mean what I said, fairly simple.
DeShawn was NOT a role player the Jazz needed when they let him go. He was still very erratic and, TBH, I would almost compare him to CJ at that point. AFTER he left the Jazz he started to become consistent with his midrange game (never had long range) and worked to become a decent D player. He was neither of those before he left the Jazz on a consistent basis.
So yes, based on what he was touted as being able to do with his potential when he came out, how he turned out for us was a huge disappointment, no doubt about it.
I would have to say Kosta Koufus, at least of recent history. I thought we had gotten a steal with a slightly more mobile version of Okur, but we just got a scrub with confidence issues.
I would have to say Kosta Koufus, at least of recent history. I thought we had gotten a steal with a slightly more mobile version of Okur, but we just got a scrub with confidence issues.

He gave us "Boom Bitches," one of the greatest moments in Jazzfanz history. You greedy *******.
I would have to say Kosta Koufus, at least of recent history. I thought we had gotten a steal with a slightly more mobile version of Okur, but we just got a scrub with confidence issues.

I didn't have that great of expectations for Koufos when the Jazz drafted him, but then he got some playing time his rookie season because of injuries and showed signs that he could play. Then he looked awful every time he got on the court his second season. I'd call him a disappointment based on his regression.