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Mark Bartlestein (Hayward's agent) to be on 97.5/1280 The Zone in 15 minutes

DL said Joe Ingles' deal still being finalized. We should offer Ingles an extra million per year if he fires his agent, just for spite. Or offer Ingles the $1M to threaten firing if Bartledouche doesn't have Hayward demand Crowder. In return we'll offer up a few votes for Tanner.
Maybe you were just immature like Heywood? At 27, I quit the company that hired me out of college. The first thing I did was tell the person that hired me (the VP of the company) face to face. Then I told my other managers that trained and mentored me for 5 years. Six years later, I ended up going back to that same company. They welcomed me back with open arms. It's important not to burn bridges, regardless if your job earns you $75K/year or $30,000,000 a year.

Nobody "taught" me how to properly end my employment with a company, it just felt like the right thing to do. If you're an adult and you are clueless (or afraid) of doing the right thing, you probably weren't raised with good values from your parents. Just my 2 cents...

Or, now that you're a millionaire, you choose to forget every value your parents taught you, because you are in "another level". I've seen people doing that after earning just a little upside in their social and economic life, I imagine jumping from kid to millionaire can have the same effect.
DL said Joe Ingles' deal still being finalized. We should offer Ingles an extra million per year if he fires his agent, just for spite. Or offer Ingles the $1M to threaten firing if Bartledouche doesn't have Hayward demand Crowder. In return we'll offer up a few votes for Tanner.

Yes, this is the way you do business. Pettiness and spite will get you far.
This needs to be broached with DL in an interview too. If I'm the person asking the questions, I would first ask, "Was the order that Benedict met with the three teams the originally scheduled order?" I would assume his response would be a yes. I can't imagine there was a bunch of flipping and flopping of schedules. Given the assumed affirmative response, I would then ask, "Why did the organization fly out to San Diego to meet with Benedict rather than do it in Utah?"

It's as simple as that. Now, DL may very well know where the question is going and be politically correct and not throw Benedict under the bus, but the question still should be asked. Because let's face it. Utah is closer to his previous two meetings than San Diego. And if DL ever says Benedict requested it be there, well, that opens up a can of worms.

That said, it is the wise location. If he stays, no harm. If he leaves, he's not in Utah. Still though, it perhaps was an indicator that he was leaving. I think so.

I told my son the same thing when I first heard the news (leaked) but knew I was speaking out of emotion so didn't think to post it but logically it was smart for the reasons you already stated.

I like a lot of Jazz fans believe emotionally he wanted to leave for at least a year and the only reason it became difficult is because how good and improved the Jazz were this season but I know I'm the same way, once I've had my mind made up it's pretty difficult to change my mind even if I know logically I should.

I credit him for having the season he did, it was by far his best as a Jazz man and by that same token it was why it hurt (at the time) so much because he finally looked to be living up to the first max contract and someone that could be a main piece (along with Gobert and another TBD player) that could compete (not that they'd beat GSW but compete is all anyone can ask).
Yes, this is the way you do business. Pettiness and spite will get you far.

Well aside from the obvious hyperbole that you missed, it seems to have worked for Ainge. Not his son so much but at least for him, up until this point.
Yes, but he knew he wanted out. Why this big act. If he were a man of character, he would've let the Jazz know much earlier.

You know nothing, nothing about it being an act. That is your own narrow selfish bias.

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We pay the salaries. We allow them their livelihood. Our passion gives them employ. Why is the assumption we are passive spectators?

Good gravy, you sent checks to Gordon Hayward? No you bought tickets from a business that employed him for great profit for a few years.

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No shortage of people still willing to edited, I see.
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Good gravy, you sent checks to Gordon Hayward? No you bought tickets from a business that employed him for great profit for a few years.

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I'd be interested in hearing what other revenue sources the league has that don't come from the fans.
Reasoning doesn't matter. Fans can be upset with haywood.
I just hope you can get over that fact.

They can certainly be upset. They should not hope he dies, breaks a leg, fails, gets cancer or whatever else illness they want him to suffer. They would all leave their current employer in a heartbeat for a better situation. Their are being selfish and childish.

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The only person who knows the true answer is Hayward and perhaps his wife. It is pure speculation as to when he knew and to what degree he knew it. Everybody is simply constructing a narrative based on rumor's, innuendo, and extrapolation based only the outcome.

When do you think it was appropriate for him to tell the Jazz?

Yes, there have been a lot of rumors. But the way Hay did it, is inexcusable. If you look into it, you will find that the only person he spoke with was Quin, not DL or Gail Miller, or Johnny Bryant who worked closely and personally with him. He just whimped out -- this is not the action of a person who was torn, but someone who felt guilty, knowing he was betraying those who helped and cared for him. It was a selfish action. Look at CP3, he actually helped the Clips arrange a S&T. And CP3 is a much bigger star, a certain HOFer, and probably one of the top-5 PGs of all time.
I'd be interested in hearing what other revenue sources the league has that don't come from the fans.

Hayward was employed by a business entity that made a nice profit from him. He was not employed by you unless you are one of the millers.

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I'd be interested in hearing what other revenue sources the league has that don't come from the fans.

A better situation? That's debatable. And he actually took a pay cut to play for the Celtics. If you read his article, it's hard to come to the conclusion that the Celtics offered a better situation. He acknowledged how much the Jazz did for him and yet he left them in the lurch. It's like a man who leaves his faithful wife for a younger sexier woman. I think he will eventually regret it.
They can certainly be upset. They should not hope he dies, breaks a leg, fails, gets cancer or whatever else illness they want him to suffer. They would all leave their current employer in a heartbeat for a better situation. Their are being selfish and childish.

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You probably don't know, but hoping and praying for something has no bearing on the outcome.

For example, I really hope you'd **** off. But I know you'll stick around.
Hayward was employed by a business entity that made a nice profit from him. He was not employed by you unless you are one of the millers.

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Talk all the business you want and yes it is a business but it is a business that treats its employees like family. But Hayward did not extend the same courtesy.
That's a good theory...my theory is that the whole San Diego thing was orchestrated by the Jazz. Since the Celtic's brass were in SLC for the summer league game on Monday, having the Jazz's "pitch day" would be better off taking place away from SLC. The idea of that slimeball Ainge being in the same city while you're meeting with Heywood would make me uneasy.

Yeah and both Vivint and the practice facility are under construction. I'm sure part of it was to show Hayward we will come to you. DL, Snyder, Rudy, Jingles, Rubio we are willing to take time out of our offseason get on a plane and come to you, all of us.

After all that you would figure he would call his old team mate. No wonder Rudy tweeted him the finger.
What bothers me about athletes in general is that they always justify whatever decisions they make by saying they gotta do what's best for them(and their family). There's a strong connotation that they are doing the rational thing here. They're being rational and not emotional. The problem is, the whole idea of professional sports exists because fans are irrational. We are. We could all do way better things with our time, money, and sanity. Picking a team and emotionally attaching yourself to it is the height of irrational.

Athletes don't acknowledge that. They don't like to be reminded that fans do pay their salaries, often at the expense of their own lives and families. I mean, how much is a freaking legit NFL jersey? The cold, hard reality is that if we all made rational decision and did what's best for us and our families, Gordon Hayward would be a youth pastor somewhere in southern Indiana right now, making 30 grand a year and desperately trying to convince apathetic teenagers that a tattoo of a cliched Bible verse on his biceps means that you too can be cool and love Jesus.

I wish athletes would acknowledge this once in a while.
He should have asked him when he notified the editor at the Player's Tribune? How long after that did he inform DL? Does he think that Gordon's choice to announce his decision this way was a good idea, if so why? Explain the thinking there because it looks like an extremely narcissistic thing to do.
Exactly. I don't think there was any malice. But I do think there was a fair amount of selfishness.
What bothers me about athletes in general is that they always justify whatever decisions they make by saying they gotta do what's best for them(and their family). There's a strong connotation that they are doing the rational thing here. They're being rational and not emotional. The problem is, the whole idea of professional sports exists because fans are irrational. We are. We could all do way better things with our time, money, and sanity. Picking a team and emotionally attaching yourself to it is the height of irrational.

Athletes don't acknowledge that. They don't like to be reminded that fans do pay their salaries, often at the expense of their own lives and families. I mean, how much is a freaking legit NFL jersey? The cold, hard reality is that if we all made rational decision and did what's best for us and our families, Gordon Hayward would be a youth pastor somewhere in southern Indiana right now, making 30 grand a year and desperately trying to convince apathetic teenagers that a tattoo of a cliched Bible verse on his biceps means that you too can be cool and love Jesus.

I wish athletes would acknowledge this once in a while.
