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So this is why Spence hasn't been on the radio...

Wow, I would tune in to his show with Monson every day after work. Quite a shocker although I didn't know it was a recurring theme..
Cool dude. You dont have a problem with alcohol. There have been multiple studies on repeat offenders. It isnt simply a maturity choice or lack of good planning in most cases. I dont agree that jail time is a good punishment for these kind of things (it's a terrible punishment for a lot of things). I would definitely side for him having to be put on a interlock system to start his car for the foreseeable future, but I just heavily disagree with people calling him scum or immature, it's bigger than that.

If doing 120 on I-15 under the influence isn't immature I don't know what is. 120 for goodness sake, one little mistake at that kind of speed and he could very easily have lost control of the vehicle and caused a tragedy.
There was just an open beer can on his floor. The officer didn't actually see him drink it. Innocent, I say, there is no proof he actually drank the alcohol.

All depends on the situation, if you go out for a few and have too many and decide instead of leaving the car and catching a cab home and do as i did a couple of weeks ago and sleep it off in the car, you can be charged with drink driving. The key in Victoria is not to have your key in the ignition, stick it in a pocket.

Im not gonna moralise on any of if i can think of a couple of times i've driven when i shouldn't have.
Making a mistake like this once, even twice might be excusable -- but five times? This guy has a major problem and needs help. He will have to resort to Uber for awhile, once he leaves rehab -- that could take years before he has recovered so that he can drive again.
Scumbag? The guy has a problem with booze. It doesnt make him a bad person.

Funny. I thought you said we were talking about the legality of all this. Your first post here has nothing to do with legal issues. It has to do with that of morals and ethics. Which you said wasn't what we'd be discussing.

But keep changing your narrative Cy just so you can continue to argue.
As far as the legal system:
Your licence suspended
Alcohol classes
Months spent with interlock system
Fines (plus all the fees that come with hiring representation and towing)

Then you have the public humiliation and losing your job.

All of these other than Interlock already exist. Damn good they did for this guy.
Do you guys think he'll ever get a job as a sportscaster again?
Well, he can always podcast from home and make a huge public apology and state he's in rehab -- then maybe, who knows. The better part of valor is forgiveness -- don't know if that's the quote but don't you agree? I've forgiven you for all those negs, and I realize you're not as dumb as I said, just was giving you grief.
Driving drunk puts other people's lives at risk and is a bad decision. Don't it repeatedly is very selfish. But most of us make has decisions with similar ramifications quite often. Such as driving while texting, talking on a cell, eating, putting on makeup and/or excessive speeding or driving way too slow.

I hope he gets the help he needs and I'm glad no one got hurt. Hopefully we can all reflect on the things we personally do that are selfish and endanger lives while driving and do better. We all tend to take driving pretty casual and forget how dangerous it can be.
Maybe that explains the 120 mph. He was in a hurry to get home. Didnt want to get busted for urinating in public.

When I visited last spring, me and my buddy were halfway back to Park City from SLC when I had to have the Uber driver pull over on the shoulder (of that major road between SLC to PC) because I had to pee so badly.

Uber. What a concept.
Funny. I thought you said we were talking about the legality of all this. Your first post here has nothing to do with legal issues. It has to do with that of morals and ethics. Which you said wasn't what we'd be discussing.

But keep changing your narrative Cy just so you can continue to argue.
Damn, never knew you couldn't discuss anything that wasnt in your first post.

Go chase Naos around.