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Okay, I'm stupid and stuff...


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But really @Jason you locked a transgender thread (The Honestly of Transgender Identity) because why?

You can ban me and be perfectly justified.

I don't understand why you locked that thread.

Do I have permission to start a new transgender based thread?

Like I'm stupid, I get that. I'm a jerk, I get that. I called you out in a dumb way, I get that. I'm extra annoying, I get that.

But you locked a thread that had nothing to do with any of that.

If you don't want trans discussion on jazzfanz just say it.
My guess is that it had nothing to do with subject matter but the fact that it devolved into a name calling pissing match.

We should have a thread called the Name Calling Pissing Match... most threads go there so let’s be effecient and just start there.
But really @Jason you locked a transgender thread (The Honestly of Transgender Identity) because why?

You can ban me and be perfectly justified.

I don't understand why you locked that thread.

Do I have permission to start a new transgender based thread?

Like I'm stupid, I get that. I'm a jerk, I get that. I called you out in a dumb way, I get that. I'm extra annoying, I get that.

But you locked a thread that had nothing to do with any of that.

If you don't want trans discussion on jazzfanz just say it.
I think that thread was shut down thanks to the trollery it devolved into thanks to certain posters.
He locked it after you made some rambling post saying you'd kill Trump if you had the chance. I imagine he didn't want that type of seriousness on his platform. It wasn't about transgenderism.

I see he locked the other one too. My bad. That wasn't because of Gameface
I think that thread was shut down thanks to the trollery it devolved into thanks to certain posters.

It always goes back to the handful of trolls we have on this site. Hack, Babe, and Jazzy really take a toll on the overall readability of this site. I wish the mods would do more to reign them in.
If you don't want trans discussion on jazzfanz just say it.

Get over yourself. I don't give a **** about a trans thread on here but it did turn into a pissing match. I'm frankly tired of it. Don't read more into it. If you want a ban, fine. Just don't ask to come back again... and again. If you want to buy the site and ban everyone, so be it. I'll entertain your offers. I run the site with the least moderation possible within specific boundaries. Been that way for over 20 years! Not sure why this is a damn surprise to you.
Get over yourself. I don't give a **** about a trans thread on here but it did turn into a pissing match. I'm frankly tired of it. Don't read more into it. If you want a ban, fine. Just don't ask to come back again... and again. If you want to buy the site and ban everyone, so be it. I'll entertain your offers. I run the site with the least moderation possible within specific boundaries. Been that way for over 20 years! Not sure why this is a damn surprise to you.
My question has nothing to do with if I'm over myself or not.

I'm wondering what it was about that thread that made you decide to lock it when there are a couple dozen other threads with just as much animosity between posters?
I'm wondering what it was about that thread that made you decide to lock it when there are a couple dozen other threads with just as much animosity between posters?

Let me ask you this... where was your rant stemming from? You'll say - everywhere. But that thread appeared to be a key and was at a point where it was going nowhere. Report the threads that are at that same point.

I'd encourage you to look at the clock if you're about to post and if it says between 1-5am, back away. I'm done with this.
Okay, you're done. You've had to do **** on your website that took you like 30 minutes or more. I can certainly understand your pain and frustration...
While I'm not a party to any of your trans threads, I must admit this exchange sorta amazes me. I agree that the level of toxic crap didn't rise to what we've seen/done elsewhere, and that there might be some underlying discomfort with the trans topic, but I expect Jason will even things out if he's gone a bit one way here.

I've thought about trying to get the Jazz organization to support a similar forum with maybe a little more tolerance for more traditional values, but it just looks like such a huge outlay of energy and time and hassle, I'm in the camp of just saying "Thanks, Jason".
Sure, it may not have gotten to the level of other threads but when someone is complaining and calling me out on ****, I'm going to look deeper at where his complaints may start and that one was pretty obvious.
Maybe we should promote something like "Happy Week" here where we try to go one week with no negative posts, outside of b-ball related posts. Would be impossible to be totally positive in game threads.