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I'm confused by your quoted sentence. You sound like you are positive about the vaccine, have encouraged others within your circle to get it, yet your sentence showed hesitancy or uncertainty.

I'm sorry that you lost your Mother from this, I hope the people who created this virus receive justice.

I'm for both. It's someone's personal decision and none of anyone's business.

What you do with your body is your business.

I support the vaccine though. I still got the virus (I'm 99% sure,) my lil boy got it and my mom passed from it.

It would be easy af for me to compare getting it to hard hats and steel toed boots because I live in the "free" world and stand for people's rights.

The idea that the WA St coached got canned for his religious beliefs is down right insane for me. I disagree with him not getting vaccinated and understand the implications, but it's his damn choice.

The virus has been so political and all of a sudden people are into big pharma. Lol

It's my opinion and I'll keep it.
It is other people's business.

It's my firm opinion that property rights have not been overridden by people wanting to not get vaccinated without any consequences, so if an employer wants to keep their operation, including them self and their other employees safe, they have every right to require vaccines and/or frequent testing.

I work with a guy I like, three other people he worked closely with tested positive for COVID and took their mandatory time off. He didn't get tested although he almost certainly was sick, and he continued to work because he didn't want to lose out on his OT. Was that just his own personal business? I sure don't ****ing think so. I worked with him several times while he was sick. This was pre-vaccine.

I get it, but yeah, it was his personal business if you believe in freedom.
Wait a second, if that's true, then what you're saying is that every person who reports adverse reactions in the VAERS system (the government system people are supposed to report adverse side effects in) is ********.
Not at all. I'm saying that VAERS is a collection of anecdotes, and the plural of anecdotes is not data. VAERS was designed to be an early warning system and a place to generate possibilities, not a place where you run scientific studies.

The system that CITIZENS are supposed to use to report and that the CDC and FDA monitor to possibly pull a drug in testing, is BS?
Not when used as intended. Wrenches are great tools, but you don't use them to hammer in flat-head screws.

You're one sick individual.
Because I believe in properly using tools?
The idea that the WA St coached got canned for his religious beliefs is down right insane for me. I disagree with him not getting vaccinated and understand the implications, but it's his damn choice.
He can make the choice to not get vaccinated, but Washington State should be forced to continue his employment?
I get it, but yeah, it was his personal business if you believe in freedom.
I fully disagree that that's what believing in freedom is.

Freedom is that a business can require information from employees, not just medical, but including medical, and that they can mandate certain actions from their employees for a variety of reasons including to protect the operation of their business and to keep employees safe, including keeping them safe from one another.

Freedom is that if a person doesn't agree to those terms they can seek employment elsewhere.

Vaccination status is not a protected class according to the law, so the same protections are not provided that would be provided based on age, race, gender, veteran status, etc..

I'm in an interview process for a job that will require a full physical if I'm going to get hired as well as a drug test. I can submit to the invasion of my body and medical status or I can decline the job.

Edit: And what he did put lives at risk. The husband of a lifelong friend of mine died just a few weeks after that from COVID. He was one year older than me (45) and was heavier, but I'm overweight and have high blood pressure. This fellow employee and friend of mine rolled the dice on my life and that is NOT just his business. I work right next to him, often doing strenuous work, like pulling pump motors and the like from tight spaces, carrying heavy items that require a two man lift, among other things.
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I fully disagree that that's what believing in freedom is.

Freedom is that a business can require information from employees, not just medical, but including medical, and that they can mandate certain actions from their employees for a variety of reasons including to protect the operation of their business and to keep employees safe, including keeping them safe from one another.

Freedom is that if a person doesn't agree to those terms they can seek employment elsewhere.

Vaccination status is not a protected class according to the law, so the same protections are not provided that would be provided based on age, race, gender, veteran status, etc..

I'm in an interview process for a job that will require a full physical if I'm going to get hired as well as a drug test. I can submit to the invasion of my body and medical status or I can decline the job.
I disagree.

Freedom is allowing someone to do whatever with their body without fear of repercussions.

I understand and respect your opinion.

Maybe I'm wrong. I just can't wrap my head around it, man.

Love you and always appreciate your insight.
I disagree.

Freedom is allowing someone to do whatever with their body without fear of repercussions.

I understand and respect your opinion.

Maybe I'm wrong. I just can't wrap my head around it, man.

Love you and always appreciate your insight.
So I can go into work naked without fear of repercussions?

I can pleasure myself in the breakroom without fear of repercussions?

I can not use mandatory PPE without fear of repercussions?

You are redefining what freedom means for this specific issue while not applying that concept of freedom to MANY other workplace issues that have to do with what people do with their bodies.

Like I mentioned, I'm in the interview process for a job that is going to make me take a drug test. Is that a violation of my freedom? They are going to force me to provide a sample of my body to study so that they can determine my personal activities that happen during my private time.

They are going to force me to take a physical so they can learn about the functionality of my body, if I have any injuries, if I'm disabled. Is that a violation of my freedom?

Or is it just vaccines that exist in this special category of freedom?
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B22EB765-DCD2-4AED-8E1A-6B6A1CA0832A.jpegIt doesn’t look like a business has a choice. It seems like over the last few pages people are arguing over if a business has the right to require vaccinations. Both the business and the person might not have a choice, decided by the federal government.
View attachment 11344It doesn’t look like a business has a choice. It seems like over the last few pages people are arguing over if a business has the right to require vaccinations. Both the business and the person might not have a choice, decided by the federal government.
They can vaccinate, or they can test.

What's the issue?

You don't have to get a vaccine.
Who’s paying for the test?
I could give half a **** less. The vaccine is free. It's safe. It is available to any reasonable person who wants it. You want to be a dumb ****, take the test.

That said, I'm pretty sure the tests are still free. I've taken four of them. All free. My wife took one yesterday... free.

So try harder.
Forcing companies to pay for extra sick time for vaccinations. Single occurrence penalties of up to $13,600. $136,000 penalties for employers that don’t agree.
Forcing businesses to police their employers.

This isn’t a business policy, it’s the federal government making policies. This can force businesses to spend more money, money they might not be able to pay, coming back from lock downs.
Hundreds and hundreds of millions have gotten the vaccine.

You scared? Maybe you're just a *****.
Forcing companies to pay for extra sick time for vaccinations. Single occurrence penalties of up to $13,600. $136,000 penalties for employers that don’t agree.
Forcing businesses to police their employers.

This isn’t a business policy, it’s the federal government making policies. This can force businesses to spend more money, money they might not be able to pay, coming back from lock downs.
800,000 Americans dead

Do you give a **** about that?
I could give half a **** less. The vaccine is free. It's safe. It is available to any reasonable person who wants it. You want to be a dumb ****, take the test.

That said, I'm pretty sure the tests are still free. I've taken four of them. All free. My wife took one yesterday... free.

So try harder.
Okay, what about natural immunity? What does the mandate say about this? Also the mandate says 2 doses. According to many studies, you’re not fully vaccinated with only 2 doses, you need boosters.
Also why are only businesses with only 100+ employees required? So if a businesses that has 105 employees, doesn’t believe in the mandate, the can fires 5 vaccinated persons to get under the threshold?
Just another terrible roll out of unpopular policy from this administration; right after the elections.
I believe in vaccinations and I’m glad a large part of the population is vaccinated, I just don’t believe in mandating them.
Okay, what about natural immunity? What does the mandate say about this? Also the mandate says 2 doses. According to many studies, you’re not fully vaccinated with only 2 doses, you need boosters.
Also why are only businesses with only 100+ employees required? So if a businesses that has 105 employees, doesn’t believe in the mandate, the can fires 5 vaccinated persons to get under the threshold?
Just another terrible roll out of unpopular policy from this administration; right after the elections.
I believe in vaccinations and I’m glad a large part of the population is vaccinated, I just don’t believe in mandating them.
Cool story. You've completely got me.

800,000 Americans have died and this is what you're worried about.

Fight that fight for evil. You're on a roll.

Go COVID, go! Kill more, kill more, kill more!

You should probably go throw a fit at some school board meetings so that kids don't have their oxygen stolen from them by masks.
Quick question Bucknutz, do you drive a truck with a Punisher decal that makes a mockery of the American flag on it? I'm totally feeling that vibe from you.

800,000 Americans dead

Do you give a **** about that?
Wow, an emotional response. Trying to say I don’t care because people have died from the virus. Garbage response. I have lost a friend and customers of mine from it. It has hurt my business and other businesses all over the world. It has hurt my kids and other kids with schools closures and education.
You probably don’t even know what’s going on with SBA and small businesses that are about to go under.
Just a garbage response.
Don’t you give a **** about 500,000 Americans dead because of medical errors the last 2 years.
Don’t you give a **** about 960,000 deaths from smoking the last 2 years.

Garbage response.