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DOMA and Prop 8 bite the dust

Where do you think most gay couples get their kids. I'd be willing to bet the vast majority come from adoption. You should be asking yourself, "Do adopted children fair better than those who live it out in foster care or the streets."

Using studies like this are off base and straight up dense. What's it going to take to realize you're on the wrong side of this argument?

You don't know what side of the argument I'm on... I haven't once stated it.

I disagree with your perspective on those studies however, because they simply make an argument about the best conditions for children to be raised in.
You don't know what side of the argument I'm on... I haven't once stated it.

I disagree with your perspective on those studies however, because they simply make an argument about the best conditions for children to be raised in.

Should I be legally barred from divorce because it's not in the best interest of my child?

What other activities should be legally required and legally barred to force people to raise their children in a way we consider as "right" based on our ethnocentric value system?
I think they eventually will but in my eyes it is not the solution. Government (local, state, federal...) should not be in the marriage business in the first place. All governments should only be able to grant civil unions. It should be open to any two individuals of legal age that are not related. It should grant all the rights that a marriage does now. Only a religion/denomination...should be able to perform a marriage. The marriage should be recognized under government as exactly equal to a civil union.

To me it is just one more case where government is sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.
Not a political type of person. But in this case you should have gone 1 step further. Why is their any benefit within the government to being married? Why is their a tax break? Why should the government condone or give any benefit to something they should have no say in?
FWIW. I am married and benefit from the tax breaks. I just don't get why the government is involved in half the **** they are.
Not a political type of person. But in this case you should have gone 1 step further. Why is their any benefit within the government to being married? Why is their a tax break? Why should the government condone or give any benefit to something they should have no say in?
FWIW. I am married and benefit from the tax breaks. I just don't get why the government is involved in half the **** they are.

A few reasons actually.

First off, protecting you and your wife's/husband's assets in the case of divorce. Another is child custody. And I'm sure there are a few others I'm missing.

Would you rather you have no recourse whatsoever if your wife/husband decides to leave you, empty your bank account, change the locks, and take your kids? Marriage isn't all about tax breaks. Government regulation of marriage is a necessity.
You'd think African Americans, given their history of civil rights violations, would be a little more understanding of the struggles that the LBGT community is going through. Not so much. Out of all the black voters that went to the polls to weigh in on Prop 8, 70%, voted to ban gay marriage.

Probably because it's irritating having gays equate their "plight" to that of what blacks have dealt with.
Who exactly would have had standing in this case, in your opinion?

I agree that people outside CA shouldn't have standing here, but afaik all parties here were CA residents. And as to whether gay marriage injures anyone, that's your entirely subjective opinion. Aside from the societal impact which granted is also very subjective, I could see that taxes may increase if this changes the state employee marital benefits.

Heaven forbid we pay a little extra money for people to have equal rights.

Actually heaven would forbid right?
A friend brought up something I didn't think of.

This is a huge step in the right direction, but it's still very important that states follow suit and allow gay marriage. If not, it will eventually break up families all over the country, and already has.

My nephew and his boyfriend want to get married. They'll have to leave us and move to another state to start their own family. Leaving all of us when they would much rather stay.

Not supporting marriage equality forces couples to leave states that do not allow gay marriage just so they can live out their lives like everyone else, and in the process being forced to leave everything they know and the people that love them behind.

Probably because it's irritating having gays equate their "plight" to that of what blacks have dealt with.

According to that logic, as a Jew, I should be irritated about any other group's claim of oppression.
A friend brought up something I didn't think of.

This is a huge step in the right direction, but it's still very important that states follow suit and allow gay marriage. If not, it will eventually break up families all over the country, and already has.

My nephew and his boyfriend want to get married. They'll have to leave us and move to another state to start their own family. Leaving all of us when they would much rather stay.

Not supporting marriage equality forces couples to leave states that do not allow gay marriage just so they can live out their lives like everyone else, and in the process being forced to leave everything they know and the people that love them behind.


Places like Utah, Idaho, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, Texas...will not pass it. I see the blue states all getting on the band wagon eventually but not the red states. Just one more thing that will divide us...
Do you have any idea how stupid this makes you sound?


With that said, I'm glad DOMA and Prop 8 bit the dust.

Tried to pos rep.

"You have given out too much reputation in the last 24 hours."

I'm sorry that bothered you Archie, but it was for people like yourself. Keep on keeping on, dude.
Places like Utah, Idaho, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, Texas...will not pass it. I see the blue states all getting on the band wagon eventually but not the red states. Just one more thing that will divide us...

And in will come the Fed, to once again save us from stupid.
Good riddance.

Human decency wins. Again. Like we all said it would. Again.

Congratulations to all my LGBT friends and family, and those on this site.

Love FTW. **** the haters.

im all for men having sex with men.
and women having sex with women.
transsexuals doing whatever.
etc etc.

but i am not for a man marrying another man and such tom foolery.

so booooooooo
I think they eventually will but in my eyes it is not the solution. Government (local, state, federal...) should not be in the marriage business in the first place. All governments should only be able to grant civil unions. It should be open to any two individuals of legal age that are not related. It should grant all the rights that a marriage does now. Only a religion/denomination...should be able to perform a marriage. The marriage should be recognized under government as exactly equal to a civil union.

To me it is just one more case where government is sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.
so let me get this straight you are for a man marrying another man.
but not for a man marrying his FEMALE cousin.

As long as it is entered into by consenting adults and they can provide for themselves and any children they have I am fine with it. None of my business.

Then why are you against people who are related to getting married.

is that where you draw the line?
Heaven forbid we pay a little extra money for people to have equal rights.

Clearly if I felt this were truly an "equal rights" situation, I wouldn't object to paying extra taxes to cover it. But I, and roughly 50% of the country don't see it that way at all... in our minds there is no such thing as a right to marry whomever you want regardless of gender.
Clearly if I felt this were truly an "equal rights" situation, I wouldn't object to paying extra taxes to cover it. But I, and roughly 50% of the country don't see it that way at all... in our minds there is no such thing as a right to marry whomever you want regardless of gender.

Tried to pos rep you to counteract any incoming negs from people unable to distinguish between disagreement and hate but I have repped you to recently.
Tried to pos rep you to counteract any incoming negs from people unable to distinguish between disagreement and hate but I have repped you to recently.

I'll cover him for you, even tho I believe his disagreement is rooted in hate.