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John Stockton Claims He Had Proof of 1000 Athletes Dying of Vaccine

That's very naive. Many would claim their denial is a cover-up, or that the guy was killed, or all kinds of things. Nothing Pfizer could say would make this go away.
Uhh they could disapprove the entire thing by saying this. You really don't understand this? If the guy didn't work for pfizer this all goes away. I mean, duh...
Why do you hate capitalism?
I don't but I think it's pretty shady that Pfizer made billions off of others suffering. In most sane worlds that would be frowned upon but you guys have to go to any lengths to protect Pfizer so you do not get exposed.
I understand why some guys like Thriller are pushing such insane conspiracies as him and his bigotry put a lot of effort into fascistly bullying others for not getting the shot. Imagine having to admit that others who said it came from a lab and that there are potential long term side effects as Walker said were potentially(key word being potentially) right? After the hatred and vitriol he spit towards others for questioning an experimental drug?... That would be devastating to the forced vax crowd. Absolutely devastating to have to admit people were right to question putting an experimental drug into their bodies unwillingly. The Thrillers of the world, the true fascist Qanoners, will go to any lengths to hide from what they were. Lol at saying a guy on video saying things isn't real. How does one come up with such insane qanon'ness?

I'm still confused though how a guy on video was fake and why Pfizer would just play into it instead of putting it to rest. Again that's right up there with the elite drinking babies blood and such. Downright weird.
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Serious question: Has Project Veritas (that name has echoes of the Russian newspaper Pravda, or even Izvestia, nyet?) EVER done ANYTHING that wasn't at best disingenuous and misleading editing, or even completely faked?
Serious question: Has Project Veritas (that name has echoes of the Russian newspaper Pravda, or even Izvestia, nyet?) EVER done ANYTHING that wasn't at best disingenuous and misleading editing, or even completely faked?
Are you saying the video is fake?
Serious question: Has Project Veritas (that name has echoes of the Russian newspaper Pravda, or even Izvestia, nyet?) EVER done ANYTHING that wasn't at best disingenuous and misleading editing, or even completely faked?
No. The answer is no. Every major “break” they’ve made has been a nothingburger. They edit videos for maximum damage politically. From ACORN, to PP, to Pfizer. It doesn’t stop conservative media from spinning these stories. And that’s their business model; serve red meat for the rube Fox News base. PV gets attention and profit and FN gets angry/paranoid people to stay hooked.

Just like with this, nothing Pfizer says or does will stop those already predisposed to doubting the Covid vaccine/believe Covid was invented/is being exploited from continuing to believe that way.
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Nothing Pfizer says would dissuade you from posting conspiracies against vaccines.
Says the Qanoner promoting a conspiracy. What is it exactly CGI? Is the guy not really there? Is he a fake? Explain it. Because if any of these are true, pfizer would say so.
LOL you can make stupid made up claims that PV just completely fabricated this story but not one of you have provided anything to back up your Qanon lie. I find it quite cowardly that someone can literally create a conspiracy out of thin air then run away when asked for more info.
What? I don’t believe in Qanon.

At least make insults that make sense.
Of course you won't answer a simple question and explain how it's fake or provide a single shred of evidence that actual video evidene is somehow fake. That's asking A LOT for someone to back up their unsubstantiated claim. You won't answer because you fabricated it to protect yourself. You are Qanon.
LOL you can make stupid made up claims that PV just completely fabricated this story but not one of you have provided anything to back up your Qanon lie. I find it quite cowardly that someone can literally create a conspiracy out of thin air then run away when asked for more info.

Block function is your friend. That clown is the dumbest most hypocritical sanctimonious bag of wind ever to roam the internet
Here's pfizer's response where they say they aren't mutating the virus while saying they are "engineering" or in other words mutating the virus. Anybody want to explain the difference between "mutating" and "engineering"?

“In a limited number of cases when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells, In addition, in vitro resistance selection experiments are undertaken in cells incubated with SARS-CoV-2 and nirmatrelvir in our secure Biosafety level 3 (BSL3) laboratory to assess whether the main protease can mutate to yield resistant strains of the virus. It is important to note that these studies are required by U.S. and global regulators for all antiviral products and are carried out by many companies and academic institutions in the U.S. and around the world.”
See, I can back my claims up. Even the other doctor who says it's needed admits it's a mutation as bolded. Or in layman's terms gain of funtion.

Professor Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey, has been an outspoken advocate of the lab leak theory, the idea Covid escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

He told DailyMail.com that Pfizer's press release 'unequivocally' indicates that 'Pfizer and its collaborators performed... high-risk gain-of-function research and enhanced potential pandemic pathogens research'.

But Professor Ian Jones, a virologist at the University of Reading in the UK, told this website: 'I don't find it [Pfizer's statement] alarming for a number of reasons.'

Paxlovid works by blocking the virus from releasing an enzyme crucial for Covid to replicate when it enters the body, known as the 3CL protease, explained Professor Jones.

Scientists work at the Pfizer vaccine research and development facility in Pearl River, New York

The research lab - located around 20 miles from New York - is the company's only biosafety level three (BSL-3) lab out of its nine major research and development sites in the US and UK
He said Pfizer's experiments involve looking at 'what changes to the sequence of the protease gene would be necessary to make the virus no longer sensitive to the drug'.

'So they make a range of mutations in the virus, led by computational predictions, and then culture that mutated virus in the drug to see if indeed it is no longer sensitive and if so by what degree,' he added.

No. The answer is no. Every major “break” they’ve made has been a nothingburger. They edit videos for maximum damage politically. From ACORN, to PP, to Pfizer. It doesn’t stop conservative media from spinning these stories. And that’s their business model; serve red meat for the rube Fox News base. PV gets attention and profit and FN gets angry/paranoid people to stay hooked.

Just like with this, nothing Pfizer says or does will stop those already predisposed to doubting the Covid vaccine/believe Covid was invented/is being exploited from continuing to believe that way.
That's what I thought, but I thought there was a chance I might have missed something.
Are you saying the video is fake?
It sounds like there are significant questions about the interviewee, to wit, the person they say he is doesn't seem to exist. Additionally, due to editing tricks, he could easily have said something entirely different from what they show out of context. A possible example of that was given above (not by me), so I'm not going to bother going over a precise hypothetical again.

To be clear, I'm not saying it is a deepfake, although that type of thing is getting to be more and more possible all the time. But if it were, why would they deepfake a nobody? Why not the CEO?
Of course you won't answer a simple question and explain how it's fake or provide a single shred of evidence that actual video evidene is somehow fake. That's asking A LOT for someone to back up their unsubstantiated claim. You won't answer because you fabricated it to protect yourself. You are Qanon.
Might need to take a break bro.
It sounds like there are significant questions about the interviewee, to wit, the person they say he is doesn't seem to exist. Additionally, due to editing tricks, he could easily have said something entirely different from what they show out of context. A possible example of that was given above (not by me), so I'm not going to bother going over a precise hypothetical again.

To be clear, I'm not saying it is a deepfake, although that type of thing is getting to be more and more possible all the time. But if it were, why would they deepfake a nobody? Why not the CEO?
Do you not agree that it would completely disprove of this if they just came out and said he doesn't work there? It would literally put this to rest if they came out and debunked it.
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