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John Stockton Claims He Had Proof of 1000 Athletes Dying of Vaccine

You're making baseless claims then pointing your finger at me. You even refuse to answer a basic question... Why does Pfizer not just come out and say this is fake and the guy doesn't exist?
I never made a claim. Please post the claim I made. Remember, conjecture is not a claim of fact. You are doing a TON of projecting. It's kind of unreal. I'll just leave you to it. Go get'em!
No, an organizations reputation and history is not a conspiracy.

FULL UNEDITED VIDEO <-- keep ignoring that part
Then why doesn't pfizer quash this and say the guy doesn't exist? Answer the question... Why are you guys so afraid to answer a very simple question. This all goes away if they just come out and say this is fake. They don't though because they can't.
Just like Thriller asked you for something that is impossible to provide, you are doing that by demanding that we explain Pfizer's motivations. We don't know what Pfizer thinks, we can't. So we can't answer for why they do or do not make a specific public statement.
I don't think asking you to backup a flat out conspiracy is too much to ask. YOu guys made a claim that this guy is fake yet haven't provided one ounce of evidence. Not even an iota.
Then why doesn't pfizer quash this and say the guy doesn't exist? Answer the question... Why are you guys so afraid to answer a very simple question. This all goes away if they just come out and say this is fake. They don't though because they can't.

I don't think asking you to backup a flat out conspiracy is too much to ask. YOu guys made a claim that this guy is fake yet haven't provided one ounce of evidence. Not even an iota.
Asking to back up my position is not too much to ask. Specifying that I do it by providing information that is impossible for me to have is unreasonable.

I can't know what is in the mind of Pfizer. I do not have superpowers despite getting mRNA vaccines multiple times.
Asking to back up my position is not too much to ask. Specifying that I do it by providing information that is impossible for me to have is unreasonable.

I can't know what is in the mind of Pfizer. I do not have superpowers despite getting mRNA vaccines multiple times.
It's pretty obvious that if he didn't work there they would say so. I mean, c'mon guys this is pretty insanely stupid.
It's pretty obvious that if he didn't work there they would say so. I mean, c'mon guys this is pretty insanely stupid.
Yes you are insanely stupid since you haven't been able to comprehend what people are saying to you.
Yes you are insanely stupid since you haven't been able to comprehend what people are saying to you.
Lol you guys are fabricating a conspiracy that this Walker dude is fake and can't even back it up with anything other than a one sided Tucker Carlson hit piece that even admits they don't know. Please don't ever question my intelligence.
So you don't think it's fake? Or do you?
You can't even answer basic questions. You literally don't even know what you are pushing then point at me. You ever going to answer this basic question or not?
Just like Thriller asked you for something that is impossible to provide, you are doing that by demanding that we explain Pfizer's motivations. We don't know what Pfizer thinks, we can't. So we can't answer for why they do or do not make a specific public statement.
Did you not read post 384 yet or are you ignoring it?
How hard is this question?

If Walker was fake, why would Pfizer not just come out and say it?

You guys can't answer a simple basic question then expect me to answer yours. How about YOU answer my question I asked first? Thriller?
Did you not read post 384 yet or are you ignoring it?
I did. It had nothing to do with what I said. If you asked him for another source of Jordan Walker saying that stuff then you were asking for the impossible.

I'm on the verge of putting you on ignore. I'll stop addressing you directly.
Just an example that Pfizer doesn't give a **** about any of you. Hell Walker(a guy who doesn't exist apparently lololol)even admits it's all just a "cash cow". It's right in front of peoples faces and they continue to fight for them. They won't even address very basic concerns.

Pfizer to Pay $345 Million to Exit EpiPen Price-Gouging Case (3)​

I did. It had nothing to do with what I said. If you asked him for another source of Jordan Walker saying that stuff then you were asking for the impossible.

I'm on the verge of putting you on ignore. I'll stop addressing you directly.
Wait a second game, let’s talk about this rationally:

1. Throughout this thread Steak’s position has been that “Big Pharm” has been doing humanity harm for profit. That context matters.
2. Steak now cites a video produced by PV with supposed Pfizer employees admitting the pt above.
3. I ask in post 360:
Everything Project Veritas “captures” is “on video.” You really don’t know their history, do you? Why can’t you provide better sources for your information?
4. And I’m the one being absurd here? I’m asking for more reliable information that Pfizer is willingly doing harm for profit than a doctored up video from PV. That’s not asking to prove a negative. That’s actually asking one to provide evidence to support the claim Steak has made multiple times.

I don’t know what’s gone on with you but you’ve seemed to become increasingly hostile to me lately. Almost weekly you seem to argue for the sake of arguing. Not sure why. And honestly, if this is how you’re going to act, put me on ignore, please. It’ll save us all a lot of time.
Personally I thought it was basic knowledge that the vaccine has had adverse effects on womans reproduction. I understand Thriller being ignorant of the idea as he is all on serving his God Pfizer and with how much bigotry and hate he spews there's no turning back but this is common knowledge that there has been issues.

I do t know who the guy is. Maybe he is exactly who he said he was. But, whoever he is, shouldn’t we at least post the follow up video? I do suspect the whole thing will be seen as more BS by Project Veritas, in the long run. JMO. It’s also nobody’s responsibility in this forum to prove or disprove whether he is who he identified himself to be. As to the why Pfizer does not simply deny his claimed title, no forum member is required to answer that question at all, since any answer could only be speculation. We cannot have the answer with any certainty at all. Why the hell are we responsible for answering for Pfizer? And why can we not point out the questionable reputation of Project Vetitas, without being accused of conspiracism? If Project Veritas is involved, their reputation is relevant, regardless of the veracity of the claims made. And pointing their reputation out is not the equivalent of 100% disproving the interviewed man’s claims.

View: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas/status/1618737936920633344
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I do t know who the guy is. Maybe he is exactly who he said he was. But, whoever he is, shouldn’t we at least post the follow up video? I do suspect the whole thing will be seen as more BS by Project Veritas, in the long run. JMO. It’s also nobody’s responsibility in this forum to prove or disprove whether he is who he identified himself to be. As to the why Pfizer does not simply deny his claimed title, no forum member is required to answer that question at all, since any answer could only be speculation. We cannot have the answer with any certainty at all. Why the hell are we responsible for answering for Pfizer? And why can we not point out the questionable reputation of Project Vetitas, without being accused of conspiracism? If Project Veritas is involved, their reputation is relevant, regardless of the veracity of the claims made. And pointing their reputation out is not the equivalent of 100% disproving the interviewed man’s claims.

View: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas/status/1618737936920633344

So in other words, make up baseless conspiracies and you shouldn't be responsible for backing up baseless claims. That's admirable...(sarcasm)

I never said it's wrong to question Project Veritas but at least provide evidence. There is literally this guy on camera admitting that the vaccine can be dangerous. That is pretty sufficient evidence unlike an opinion piece. If this guy was CGI'd like people here claim(I'm being facetios) then Pfizer would say so. This is common sense. You guys cannot refute anything. The only thing you guys have done is attack PV not try to disprove it. Because you can't. ANd by you, I don't mean you specifically Red I mean the guys I that have nothing but conspiracies.
Scary **** guys and gals... One of the top guys at Pfizer admitting that there's a possibility of serious side effects down the road.
Well, duh. Any time you take a medicine with an effect, there are possible, unknown side effects. Until you find actual side effects, you're just scare-mongering, and highly ineffectively.
When people on here criticize me for being critical or impatient with conservative posters, this is a good example of what I’m talking about.
When people say you treat all conservative posters the same and that it is unfair, this is a good example of what we are talking about. I don't think anyone has a problem with you criticizing @SteakNEggs in this thread.
What does Pfizer have to gain by responding to Project Veritas?
It's not PV they are failing to respond to, it's the multiple new main stream news sources asking about it. Here's Reds article stating the same. If he was not an employee they would say so to nip this all in the bud, but they simply can't. You really think this negative publicity is good for the company? They gain a lot actually. They could stop this entire story but they simply can't.

"Pfizer has not responded publicly to the video despite repeated attempts by various media outlets to get them talking."