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Should The Jazz Target Kevin Porter Jr?

"Taking to Instagram after learning the details of Porter's alleged assault of her sister here in New York City, Kalabrya Haskins wrote:

“@kevinporterjr if you think you gone touch my sister & not get touched. Count ya f****** days. Better hope and pray you'll be able to ever walk again let alone dribble.”

The fiery post continued: “You may have gotten away with this s*** in the past cause yo mama ain't beat ya a** but we spank lil punk a** painting nail sissy b***** like you everyday. Don't show up to that crib. We gone do it to you. Lil b****.”
"Taking to Instagram after learning the details of Porter's alleged assault of her sister here in New York City, Kalabrya Haskins wrote:

“@kevinporterjr if you think you gone touch my sister & not get touched. Count ya f****** days. Better hope and pray you'll be able to ever walk again let alone dribble.”

The fiery post continued: “You may have gotten away with this s*** in the past cause yo mama ain't beat ya a** but we spank lil punk a** painting nail sissy b***** like you everyday. Don't show up to that crib. We gone do it to you. Lil b****.”
For context, Kalabrya Haskins was also arrested for DV when she punched Dwayne Haskins (RIP) in the mouth, knocking out his tooth.
At the end of the day we have no way of knowing what level of coercion/manipulation is involved. It's a weird grey area were it's hard to say what is the best course of action for all parties.

I agree there needa to be some level of legal consequences, but when you're rich it's always just going to be financial consequences to pay to get out of it. Broken system.

Not a lot of grey area in this space, heaps of research has been done. For most women the biggest and most difficult barrier is financial, they often cannot afford to live anywhere else (physical abusers often financially control their partner) and in most countries there is a lack of refuges and housing services to place and protect these women once they leave.

The first 48 hours after leaving a partner is the most dangerous period in terms of the risk of being beaten to death. But women return for lots of reasons, some that to someone outside their relationship would make no sense.

Here we have laws that can and are put in place by the police without it needing to go before a judge (for 48 hours i think) that prohibit contact and charges can be laid without a complaint. This didn't come out of nowhere it came from preventable deaths of women and children at the hands of men. We had a Royal Commission and a bunch of things were put in place. I personally think its still desperately under resourced tho.

We were doing some pretty interesting stuff in my last job around family violence, women's safety, formalising and streamlining our procedures with Police to allow us to detain offenders simply for entering the building. There were some legal and technological proposals that could have been really interesting but it died with covid, 5 of the 6 people on the working party have since quit the org so that will go nowhere. There's also no funding for it either cause the health service is broke.
I'm with you... KP Jr. has so many issues so it was always a buyer beware type deal. Not sure if they knew about this stuff or if this was the first time... its completely fair to be skeptical of any of the organizations though. The NBA as a whole obviously doesn't want to shine a light on this stuff so they have their part in sweeping it under the rug.

As a father of 3 daughters - they should make a law that if you do this and the woman's parents have a week or two to hunt you down and whatever they do has no legal penalty. There was a dad I know that told me he seriously weighed the consequences of taking care of an idiot before deciding it would not be worth it... when he told me about the situation I thought to myself... ya know... he's not wrong or crazy. I hope I never have to consider it.
I was in this situation. For 2 weeks all I thought about was taking the guy out. Never thought I could hurt another human being until this happened to my daughter. The only reason why the guy is breathing is because my daughter and sister begged me not to do anything. I still think about it every now and then. When I was very sick for a while, I thought well if I am going to die, maybe I will do it. hahahahaha. Finally, I let it go and I believe the punk will get his due. My daughter has a nice boyfriend now and we move forward.
I was in this situation. For 2 weeks all I thought about was taking the guy out. Never thought I could hurt another human being until this happened to my daughter. The only reason why the guy is breathing is because my daughter and sister begged me not to do anything. I still think about it every now and then. When I was very sick for a while, I thought well if I am going to die, maybe I will do it. hahahahaha. Finally, I let it go and I believe the punk will get his due. My daughter has a nice boyfriend now and we move forward.
Dad energy is different man... especially when it comes to daughters. My buddy wasn't so lucky there is abuse as well as extreme control and isolation... the scary **** you see on 48 hours... he has her cut off from literally every family member and friend she knew or grew up with. I legit worry it becomes a murder suicide someday when she tries to leave.

Glad your daughter is in a good spot and you didn't have to end the guy lol... I think its my biggest fear as a dad.
Dad energy is different man... especially when it comes to daughters. My buddy wasn't so lucky there is abuse as well as extreme control and isolation... the scary **** you see on 48 hours... he has her cut off from literally every family member and friend she knew or grew up with. I legit worry it becomes a murder suicide someday when she tries to leave.

Glad your daughter is in a good spot and you didn't have to end the guy lol... I think its my biggest fear as a dad.

for sure Sadly we've seen all too often some men just keep going and never give up until they end up killing the woman and their kids despite every legal step taken. Not sure i'd be able to stop myself doing something if one of my girls was ever in that situation
for sure Sadly we've seen all too often some men just keep going and never give up until they end up killing the woman and their kids despite every legal step taken. Not sure i'd be able to stop myself doing something if one of my girls was ever in that situation
Middle school my daughter was getting teased by this kid... talked to the school... they didn't seem to care... he ended up putting hands on her and I was ****ing done. School talked to him and a week later it happened again. Teacher couldn't care less.

So I picked her up from school and she pointed the kid out to me. I let him know that you can't do that to anyone especially girls and let him know I'd be happy to pick up my daughter from school everyday and have this conversation with him as many times as I needed to... I asked him if he'd like to have the conversation again tomorrow... through tears he said "no".

It stopped... completely. I'm sure its the first of many young men I'm gonna have to talk to.
Woj also said KP Jr's future in the NBA is in peril here... I'm not delusional. Good chance he is done.
Middle school my daughter was getting teased by this kid... talked to the school... they didn't seem to care... he ended up putting hands on her and I was ****ing done. School talked to him and a week later it happened again. Teacher couldn't care less.

So I picked her up from school and she pointed the kid out to me. I let him know that you can't do that to anyone especially girls and let him know I'd be happy to pick up my daughter from school everyday and have this conversation with him as many times as I needed to... I asked him if he'd like to have the conversation again tomorrow... through tears he said "no".

It stopped... completely. I'm sure its the first of many young men I'm gonna have to talk to.

awesome work mate ... yep as much as you don't want to be like that .. there's a certain type that will only respond to a greater threat
Woj also said KP Jr's future in the NBA is in peril here... I'm not delusional. Good chance he is done.
A few weeks ago Clay Travis and Adam Carolla were having a discussion about OJ Simpson and CT posed the hypothetical of OJ Simpson happening now when he’s 25, he beats the charges, does someone take him back. It’s here at the 4:45 mark:

View: https://youtu.be/bfwmUBpFu40?si=A7bOzNqHeYRyIh7i

He talks about the concept here where the severity of your issues/baggage is going to go up against your skill level, and hypothesizes, to some degree, that OJ being one of the top 5 running backs ever at the time, that his talent level has much more power to override that, and contrasts this with guys like Ray Rice and Colin Kaepernick. KPJ definitely falls in the latter category. Nobody really cares that he averaged 19 points for the Rockets. Kelly Olynyk recently did that. Even Christian Wood, who in another thread is being written off and justified being on the minimum (and looks like Ghandi in comparison), was just recently dropping 18/10 for the Rockets. Guys like JR Smith or Ricky Davis would be throwing down all kinds of numbers on this current Rockets squad. Sure, both those guys have some value in numerous situations, but they’re far from being people you can’t miss out on, and any significant baggage and it’s really not worth what you bring. While I’m cynical about the league truly caring, it’s a question balancing distraction/bad PR and skill level. His skill level in the positive doesn’t was out the balance on the negative side of “this looks bad”. It’s conceivable that after a few years he gets some minor chances, like maybe a few 10 days or signing for the end of the season, but I don’t feel like any team is looking at him and thinking he’s really going to contribute much to winning to dive into this issue. And, of course, they’ll sell that idea about some moral or character issue when it’s like 35-40% “yeah, we’re concerned about the past” and 60-65% “we just don’t think he’ll be that good.”
awesome work mate ... yep as much as you don't want to be like that .. there's a certain type that will only respond to a greater threat
Thanks. The schools in NorCal are so afraid to come down and punish bad behavior... I could fill this thread with dumbass things that go on. So dumb I had to show up and share the message the teacher or VP or counselor should have.

Back to KP... his history is just too damning... hopefully this is rock bottom and he figures it out... but let him off light here and it will continue.
A few weeks ago Clay Travis and Adam Carolla were having a discussion about OJ Simpson and CT posed the hypothetical of OJ Simpson happening now when he’s 25, he beats the charges, does someone take him back. It’s here at the 4:45 mark:

View: https://youtu.be/bfwmUBpFu40?si=A7bOzNqHeYRyIh7i

He talks about the concept here where the severity of your issues/baggage is going to go up against your skill level, and hypothesizes, to some degree, that OJ being one of the top 5 running backs ever at the time, that his talent level has much more power to override that, and contrasts this with guys like Ray Rice and Colin Kaepernick. KPJ definitely falls in the latter category. Nobody really cares that he averaged 19 points for the Rockets. Kelly Olynyk recently did that. Even Christian Wood, who in another thread is being written off and justified being on the minimum (and looks like Ghandi in comparison), was just recently dropping 18/10 for the Rockets. Guys like JR Smith or Ricky Davis would be throwing down all kinds of numbers on this current Rockets squad. Sure, both those guys have some value in numerous situations, but they’re far from being people you can’t miss out on, and any significant baggage and it’s really not worth what you bring. While I’m cynical about the league truly caring, it’s a question balancing distraction/bad PR and skill level. His skill level in the positive doesn’t was out the balance on the negative side of “this looks bad”. It’s conceivable that after a few years he gets some minor chances, like maybe a few 10 days or signing for the end of the season, but I don’t feel like any team is looking at him and thinking he’s really going to contribute much to winning to dive into this issue. And, of course, they’ll sell that idea about some moral or character issue when it’s like 35-40% “yeah, we’re concerned about the past” and 60-65% “we just don’t think he’ll be that good.”

Basically... if he was talented like say Kobe Bryant... he'd likely be able to overcome his history and this incident no problem. You brought up Wood... he's not even considered a bad guy... just too casual. Everyone seems to like his personality he is just kind of a space cadet when it comes to being on time and defensive schemes but people seem to like him as a person. Porter is so far beyond that... and look how big of a dent it put in Wood's stock.

sad but that is how it works.

In other news... Carolla always makes me laugh... he's turned into a cranky old man but he still has some good sound bites. I died laughing about his Gavin Newsome take he had a little while ago... he's the worst at making Mexican food but now he wants to franchise and go national. It hit home for me.
Basically... if he was talented like say Kobe Bryant... he'd likely be able to overcome his history and this incident no problem. You brought up Wood... he's not even considered a bad guy... just too casual. Everyone seems to like his personality he is just kind of a space cadet when it comes to being on time and defensive schemes but people seem to like him as a person. Porter is so far beyond that... and look how big of a dent it put in Wood's stock.

sad but that is how it works.

In other news... Carolla always makes me laugh... he's turned into a cranky old man but he still has some good sound bites. I died laughing about his Gavin Newsome take he had a little while ago... he's the worst at making Mexican food but now he wants to franchise and go national. It hit home for me.
I did think the juxtaposition of arguing that Wood on a minimum makes sense with the idea that KPJ will get another chance based on Rockets numbers to be interesting, especially as Wood’s Rocket numbers are comparable if not better. If Wood’s Rocket numbers get him the minimum, I really don’t see a consistent argument for saying KPJ’s get him another chance.
A few weeks ago Clay Travis and Adam Carolla were having a discussion about OJ Simpson and CT posed the hypothetical of OJ Simpson happening now when he’s 25, he beats the charges, does someone take him back. It’s here at the 4:45 mark:

View: https://youtu.be/bfwmUBpFu40?si=A7bOzNqHeYRyIh7i

He talks about the concept here where the severity of your issues/baggage is going to go up against your skill level, and hypothesizes, to some degree, that OJ being one of the top 5 running backs ever at the time, that his talent level has much more power to override that, and contrasts this with guys like Ray Rice and Colin Kaepernick. KPJ definitely falls in the latter category. Nobody really cares that he averaged 19 points for the Rockets. Kelly Olynyk recently did that. Even Christian Wood, who in another thread is being written off and justified being on the minimum (and looks like Ghandi in comparison), was just recently dropping 18/10 for the Rockets. Guys like JR Smith or Ricky Davis would be throwing down all kinds of numbers on this current Rockets squad. Sure, both those guys have some value in numerous situations, but they’re far from being people you can’t miss out on, and any significant baggage and it’s really not worth what you bring. While I’m cynical about the league truly caring, it’s a question balancing distraction/bad PR and skill level. His skill level in the positive doesn’t was out the balance on the negative side of “this looks bad”. It’s conceivable that after a few years he gets some minor chances, like maybe a few 10 days or signing for the end of the season, but I don’t feel like any team is looking at him and thinking he’s really going to contribute much to winning to dive into this issue. And, of course, they’ll sell that idea about some moral or character issue when it’s like 35-40% “yeah, we’re concerned about the past” and 60-65% “we just don’t think he’ll be that good.”

Ray Rice was also at a career downturn. He was a top RB the years prior (can't say to what degree, but he was very good) then his stats took a pretty dramatic hit and then he had the most "in HD" DV in the history of sports. Even if that thing never happened, he was likely out of the league I. 3 years due to the nature of the position.

The Kap stuff is just an entirely different thing so not even worth comparison imo.

Also I don't want to defend an abuser too much because **** him, but I refute that what he did was just empty stats. He is very very talented.

* and no I don't want the Jazz to be the team to rehab him any longer. I do believe in rehabilitation and second chances, I just don't want to be the team that does that*
Ray Rice was also at a career downturn. He was a top RB the years prior (can't say to what degree, but he was very good) then his stats took a pretty dramatic hit and then he had the most "in HD" DV in the history of sports. Even if that thing never happened, he was likely out of the league I. 3 years due to the nature of the position.

The Kap stuff is just an entirely different thing so not even worth comparison imo.

Also I don't want to defend an abuser too much because **** him, but I refute that what he did was just empty stats. He is very very talented.

* and no I don't want the Jazz to be the team to rehab him any longer. I do believe in rehabilitation and second chances, I just don't want to be the team that does that*
Kaepernick wasn’t listed as a comparison to DV or murder, it was more the point of attention/baggage vs. talent. What’s a conversion on KPJ stats to a normal functioning team? 15 ppg? That’s not a lot to overcome this issue. If we’re trying to argue that his stats with the Rockets would be more or less representative of how he’d perform elsewhere, they we’d need to account for recent Houston comps of Olynyk and Wood, and update your Wood assessment accordingly.
Kaepernick wasn’t listed as a comparison to DV or murder, it was more the point of attention/baggage vs. talent. What’s a conversion on KPJ stats to a normal functioning team? 15 ppg? That’s not a lot to overcome this issue. If we’re trying to argue that his stats with the Rockets would be more or less representative of how he’d perform elsewhere, they we’d need to account for recent Houston comps of Olynyk and Wood, and update your Wood assessment accordingly.
He's 22 years old. He is (was) a developing player.
All his advanced stats pointed towards him being a positive impact player. He didn't have the loser stench Wood had developed over time(fairly or unfairly).

And no, there isn't a universal conversion rate for players across different teams/roles.
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Indeed. He has a much, much, much, much, infinitely much worse stench.
Yeah, now. I don't think he had any prior history of DV. But violence against women is the #1 thing sports team will give you grace for. The Jazz employed a child rapist for 19 years as the face of their franchise.