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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread

Troll: Why are we supporting Ukraine? What do we want?

Poster 1: Russia invaded Ukraine and we want Russia to leave.

Troll: But why are we supporting Ukraine? What do we want?

Poster 2: Ukraine is a young democracy and a sovereign nation. They’ve been invaded and we should help them out militarily to defend themselves from an aggressor country. If we don’t stop Russia now, when? The costs will most likely be higher later.

Troll: But why are we supporting Ukraine? Here are some poor sources filled with Russian disinformation.

Poster 3: That’s Russian disinformation. Let me provide you with much needed historical context.

Troll: But why are we supporting Ukraine? What do we want? You guys are so bloodthirsty!

Sigh, this is what happens when trolls overrun a mostly unmoderated message board. It’s almost not worth reading or posting here anymore. Troll on
Funny that a lot of people that are pushing this anti-Russia agenda(and I agree f* Russia) are following the teachings of Karl Marx.
Troll: Why are we supporting Ukraine? What do we want?

Poster 1: Russia invaded Ukraine and we want Russia to leave.

Troll: But why are we supporting Ukraine? What do we want?

Poster 2: Ukraine is a young democracy and a sovereign nation. They’ve been invaded and we should help them out militarily to defend themselves from an aggressor country. If we don’t stop Russia now, when? The costs will most likely be higher later.

Troll: But why are we supporting Ukraine? Here is some poor sources filled with Russian disinformation

Poster 3: That’s Russian disinformation. Let me provide you with much needed historical context.

Troll: But why are we supporting Ukraine? What do we want? You guys are so bloodthirsty!

Sigh, this is what happens when trolls overrun a mostly unmoderated message board. It’s not worth reading or posting here anymore.
Literally trolling right here. Adding nothing of importance outside of drama. Still waiting for you to condemn Biden for calling a black person boy as even you said anybody that does it is racist. You went and hid though. Troll. A morally void troll at that.

I mean were much safer now that Nuclear war is on the table you troll.
We don't. Russia started to run out of combat-ready forces last year. They are sending unprepared troops into a meat grinder. We don't need US troops for this fight.
True. However, from what I’ve read recently, Ukraine may need much more air support, armor, munitions, and long range missiles to push Russia out of their country. It’ll be interesting to see in the coming 6-12 months how much punishment the Russian military and society can take. I read today that they’ve suffered more casualties in one year than all their wars since WWII combined. Their army may soon disintegrate. But it also might take a lot more American support to assist in that. I think that’s also why the Biden admin has warned China to not provide Russia with military support. Such a move would prolong this war and lead to more negative consequences.
Funny that a lot of people that are pushing this anti-Russia agenda(and I agree f* Russia) are following the teachings of Karl Marx.

Weren’t you the one who cited Jacobin just a few pages ago? I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a poster cite them before.

Shouldn’t we all be anti Russia right now? Putin leads one of the world’s worse regimes. Right?

Weren’t you the one who cited Jacobin just a few pages ago? I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a poster cite them before.
Onebrow constantly pushes Marxism here and his followers like you flock to him. Many many of you support antifa and they call each other Comrade and fly the hammer and sickle. So tell me more who's really supporting Marxism and the Soviet Union.
Alright guys I tried. You were right, he's not worth the effort. It would just be throwing time down a well for me to keep engaging. He's just decided letting Russia win is cheaper and that's the whole analysis.
True. However, from what I’ve read recently, Ukraine may need much more air support, armor, munitions, and long range missiles to push Russia out of their country. It’ll be interesting to see in the coming 6-12 months how much punishment the Russian military and society can take. I read today that they’ve suffered more casualties in one year than all their wars since WWII combined. Their army may soon disintegrate. But it also might take a lot more American support to assist in that. I think that’s also why the Biden admin has warned China to not provide Russia with military support. Such a move would prolong this war and lead to more negative consequences.

Russia's pre-war army basically doesn't exist. They've suffered more casualties than their entire initial invasion force.

Current tactics basically treat human life as the most expendable resource, which is why you're seeing casualty rates increase rather than decrease as fighting continues. Strategy is not being structured around avoiding casualties. Sadly, this is pretty much the historical trend for all Russian warfare going back 600 years.

It's a war that's ultimately going to be about economic production power and industrial capacity. The first stages of the war were defined by delivery and supply logistics. The next stages over who can keep their guys in the fight. The entire Russian strategy is literally to hope guys like SteakNEggs eventually become the majority in the United States. They think the west is weak, and will surrender the second we prick our finger. While strong russians will break their backs before they give up. The plan is to say their pain threshold is so much higher than ours, that they can lose all the way to victory.

Don't be a useful idiot who encourages them!
Alright guys I tried. You were right, he's not worth the effort. It would just be throwing time down a well for me to keep engaging. He's just decided letting Russia win is cheaper and that's the whole analysis.

Russia's pre-war army basically doesn't exist. They've suffered more casualties than their entire initial invasion force.

Current tactics basically treat human life as the most expendable resource, which is why you're seeing casualty rates increase rather than decrease as fighting continues. Strategy is not being structured around avoiding casualties. Sadly, this is pretty much the historical trend for all Russian warfare going back 600 years.

It's a war that's ultimately going to be about economic production power and industrial capacity. The first stages of the war were defined by delivery and supply logistics. The next stages over who can keep their guys in the fight. The entire Russian strategy is literally to hope guys like SteakNEggs eventually become the majority in the United States. They think the west is weak, and will surrender the second we prick our finger. While strong russians will break their backs before they give up. The plan is to say their pain threshold is so much higher than ours, that they can lose all the way to victory.

Don't be a useful idiot who encourages them!
Didn't think you could answer my question about the end goal. It was a simple question and you ran. I'm guessing you have no answer. I answered your questions politely and you ran from mine. Dunning Kruger is right. Exactly right. You can't even answer simple questions yet you act smart. Then you have to result to insults unlike me. This is intelligence to you. Insults...
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Alright guys I tried. You were right, he's not worth the effort. It would just be throwing time down a well for me to keep engaging. He's just decided letting Russia win is cheaper and that's the whole analysis.

Russia's pre-war army basically doesn't exist. They've suffered more casualties than their entire initial invasion force.

Current tactics basically treat human life as the most expendable resource, which is why you're seeing casualty rates increase rather than decrease as fighting continues. Strategy is not being structured around avoiding casualties. Sadly, this is pretty much the historical trend for all Russian warfare going back 600 years.

It's a war that's ultimately going to be about economic production power and industrial capacity. The first stages of the war were defined by delivery and supply logistics. The next stages over who can keep their guys in the fight. The entire Russian strategy is literally to hope guys like SteakNEggs eventually become the majority in the United States. They think the west is weak, and will surrender the second we prick our finger. While strong russians will break their backs before they give up. The plan is to say their pain threshold is so much higher than ours, that they can lose all the way to victory.

Don't be a useful idiot who encourages them!

It’s not hard to believe that a Republican controlled Congress led by Trump/DeSantis in 2025 pulls the plug on Ukrainian support and allows the Russian meat grinder to finally wear Ukraine down. I’m hoping that Biden gets the weaponry Ukraine needs asap. Partly to end the war asap and also to prevent Putin from choking out the clock until his useful idiots regain control here in America. That’s would be disastrous for western democracies.

Do you have any insights into how this special military operation is going on in St Petersburg or Moscow? I’d think it’s Putin’s nightmare scenario for people in the urban centers to start feeling the effects of this war. Hence, he’ll keep feeding into the meat grinder Russians from as far away from these urban centers as possible. I wished we had a better idea what your avg Russian in St Petersburg felt.
Ohh and according to Milley just yesterday... Russia will win if we don't continue to hemorrhage money towards Ukraine by June. If that's the case Russia already has won but hey at least you get your blood shed.

It’s not hard to believe that a Republican controlled Congress led by Trump/DeSantis in 2025 pulls the plug on Ukrainian support and allows the Russian meat grinder to finally wear Ukraine down. I’m hoping that Biden gets the weaponry Ukraine needs asap. Partly to end the war asap and also to prevent Putin from choking out the clock until his useful idiots regain control here in America. That’s would be disastrous for western democracies.

Do you have any insights into how this special military operation is going on in St Petersburg or Moscow? I’d think it’s Putin’s nightmare scenario for people in the urban centers to start feeling the effects of this war. Hence, he’ll keep feeding into the meat grinder Russians from as far away from these urban centers as possible. I wished we had a better idea what your avg Russian in St Petersburg felt.
Lol then you push the Russia hoax conspiracy where in factuality Obama told Russia he will give them more leeway all while allowing Putin to meddle in the election. Americans are deep state Russians lololol. Still waiting for that pee tape. People don't want a needless war and they are Russian. You melodramatic dorks.
Me-"Hey guys I don't want war because obviously it's bad and we just got done with a 20 year war which this very well could turn out to be. I don't want Americans dying over something so small. We have too many problems here at home"

Thriller-"you are a Russian and deep state Desantis 25'er because you don't want violence"

And I'm the troll. You guys can't even answer a simple question.
If we didn’t already have the answer, we certainly do now!
You're right he had no answers. I've respectively addressed every point he's made. He has only addressed one point I made and it wasn't even meant to be important. @sirkickyass I genuinely thought you were going to be able to put your money where your mouth is. Instead you like others went to insults, drama and name calling. Saying stuff like it's my fault Russia is going to win the war... C'mon. Disappointing bro but I wish you the best.

We're just paying for a war with literally no endgame. Every one of you have ran from that question outside of the guy who wanted WW2 again that killed over 72,000,000 people
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The end goal of supporting Ukraine is to stop Russia from taking over Ukraine and then moving on to their next conquest while China decides the water feels nice for an invasion of Taiwan. After that the world spirals into a series of consolidation where stronger nations just decide that it'd be good for them to conquer their weaker neighbor until we get to a breaking point where major powers start directly confronting one another until there is a nuclear confrontation or WWIII begins.

Stopping Russia from conquering Ukraine is not provocation for WWIII it is an attempt at preventing it.
I'm not neutral. Both countries are garbage and have been historically. I don't want war like you blood thirty leeches. This dude is pushing for millions of deaths yet I'm the bad guy. The naivety to think "unconstitutional surrender" won't take that. You're not stupid but you're not bright either. Think for 5 full seconds.

I know damn well what unconditional surrender will take. I mean, I've lived through a war, but hey, you seem to be the expert on everything here. Armchairing FTW.

The cost of defeating Russia will be tremendous, but the cost of not defeating Russia is your soul. Again, though, I'm not talking out of my *** here. I'm talking as a grandson of a man who deserted a collaborationist army in occupied Europe in WW2 to fight the Nazis as a guerrilla and the son of a man who was gone for 3 years of my childhood so that he could, in his words "fight for his country, against his people" because he believed it was right. You don't want war? Trust me, my dad and granddad didn't either. Nor did anyone on my mum's side, but you know, they were Jewish. Peace treaties and diplomacy sound nice from whatever podunk place in 'Murica you're from. Less so from under a pile of corpses.
I know damn well what unconditional surrender will take. I mean, I've lived through a war, but hey, you seem to be the expert on everything here. Armchairing FTW.

The cost of defeating Russia will be tremendous, but the cost of not defeating Russia is your soul. Again, though, I'm not talking out of my *** here. I'm talking as a grandson of a man who deserted a collaborationist army in occupied Europe in WW2 to fight the Nazis as a guerrilla and the son of a man who was gone for 3 years of my childhood so that he could, in his words "fight for his country, against his people" because he believed it was right. You don't want war? Trust me, my dad and granddad didn't either. Nor did anyone on my mum's side, but you know, they were Jewish. Peace treaties and diplomacy sound nice from whatever podunk place in 'Murica you're from. Less so from under a pile of corpses.
Thank you... Nice post. I fully disagree obviously but I like the fire. Personally I think we are paving to way to that right now, you think we are stopping that. I can respect that without name calling and acting like a child. We are much closer to WW3 with US intervention than without and that's my honest opinion. China joins this war... What do you think is going to happen? It's over... Call me fearmongerer or whatever... I'm not losing sleep nor in any sort of real panic but this war is doing nothing but throwing fuel on the fire. You all act like what I'm saying is some crazy ****, but it's not. We could very well be right back into WW2 if were already not. Look at China's humans rights issues.

Oh an this podunk place voted for a guy who had no conflict, signed peace treaties instead of made conflict, and the laid the groundwork to get out of a needless piss poor war over a lie that killed millions. With all due respect on that you eat it on that part. We want peace. We don't want war. It's not our war... This wouldn't even be a war... "Murica is and was right" you should have listened to us instead of a career racist politician with a history of failures and corruption that opened the gates for this needless war with his shear brain dead weakness. Take that to the bank. I wear that with a badge of honor.
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He was like a big middle finger to the republican party and the crap candidates that party kept putting forward.
Trump is the crapiest candidate of all time.