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Yesterday - Bundy Ranch

Well, I might be an outlier on a lot of statistical distribution parameters, but I lack the common sense to discriminate. I might be susceptible to delusions of the sort where I don't mind stalkers as long as they are talkers. I mean, I appreciate attention from cows, for heavens' sake. If they moo, I take it serious and have learned what different moos actually mean.

Also, in my life experience, I owe a lot to my avowed enemies, who generally have been the ones who helped me out when I really needed it. . .. more so than "friends", who just figure I'll deal with it good enough on my own.

There's something to be said for folks who'll take you on and really try to set you straight. Some might consider them enemies, but sometimes I think they're your "best" friends.

The Three Stooges of Tribtalk, however, were evil. I told Janadelle not to actually post about her daily travels in real time on there because I truly feared for her safety.


I don't see you as someone who allows anyone to be an enemy. For the most part you are able to frame their behavior in a positive light.

It takes a lot to deserve the word "enemy."

I don't consider people who challenge ideas or offer up good-natured razzing as "enemies" just fellow time-wasters.
sometimes he crawls out from under his little blue blanket and tries to insult me, though.

But yah, I think you're right.

Pretty cool thing for a Mod to do, huh.

I tried doing that for some on the old Tribtalk self-professed world-class outpost of civilization on the Utah Twilight Zone of culture and the premier authority on Anti-Mormonism, but realized it just made me look stupid if I didn't, or couldn't, deal with critics.

Pearl is right, I do have you on ignore (although obviously I responded to this as I saw her quote it).

The only thing I'm interested in is the allegation that I sometimes crawl out and try to insult you. I think this is the first time I've responded to any of your posts in at least a year so I'm not totally sure what it is you're talking about.

But as long as I'm responding...

I see other's commentary on your posts and that commentary essentially defines why I ignore list'd you. Virtually every post is long and steeped in hating on imagined "socialists," "leftists," pro-Communists, etc etc. Sometimes there's a paragraph about Lyndon Larouche. There's frequently something in there that's generally defamatory about anyone with specialized knowledge on a subject, particularly if it's related to governance in some way. Finally, the whole diatribe is usually laced with all sorts of factual, historical, or conceptual inaccuracies. After a number of years, I found it just wasn't worth my time. Especially since past debates appeared to have no effect on future posts. I've read that post a couple thousand times. I know what it says by now.

You also don't get reported so it doesn't affect my ability to moderate. The Ignore list seems like the perfect solution. I figure if you say anything I really have to respond to, someone will let me know.
Pearl is right, I do have you on ignore (although obviously I responded to this as I saw her quote it).

The only thing I'm interested in is the allegation that I sometimes crawl out and try to insult you. I think this is the first time I've responded to any of your posts in at least a year so I'm not totally sure what it is you're talking about.

But as long as I'm responding...

I see other's commentary on your posts and that commentary essentially defines why I ignore list'd you. Virtually every post is long and steeped in hating on imagined "socialists," "leftists," pro-Communists, etc etc. Sometimes there's a paragraph about Lyndon Larouche. There's frequently something in there that's generally defamatory about anyone with specialized knowledge on a subject, particularly if it's related to governance in some way. Finally, the whole diatribe is usually laced with all sorts of factual, historical, or conceptual inaccuracies. After a number of years, I found it just wasn't worth my time. Especially since past debates appeared to have no effect on future posts. I've read that post a couple thousand times. I know what it says by now.

You also don't get reported so it doesn't affect my ability to moderate. The Ignore list seems like the perfect solution. I figure if you say anything I really have to respond to, someone will let me know.

A "good" example of coming out of the woodwork to insult you. lolz
A "good" example of coming out of the woodwork to insult you. lolz

Somebody say something to let him know I posted about three decent posts asking, politely and respectfully, for his legal opinion on whether grazing rights are a contitutionally-protected property right.

When he puts me on ignore, and keeps coming back with snide little insinuations, asking what the legal specifics are in the Bundy case. . .. particulars, and doesn't respond to someone stating the legal basis for many ranchers' beliefs, he really just looks useless.
Local land politics are the most easily and deeply corrupted cesspool there is, which is the reason I have no interest in your state's rights reasoning. It's admirable that you believe in small government deciding the destiny of the area around us, but take a look around and see how that's turned out. Brigham Young had a city plan that didn't allow building above 4000 feet in elevation, or something. Now we've built to the top of every foothill in sight.

When I was a teenager, we used to four wheel and shoot guns in the foothills of Utah County. We were always being herded off the land for fears of environmental destruction. Honest to Gordon, they used to land black helicopters up Hogs Hollow (above Alpine/Highland) and ticket the trucks not staying on established dirt roads. Now, look at that area that couldn't handle a little four wheeling. They paved a highway over it and sold off the land to developers who built McMansions on it. So much for the environment eh?

That's just one small story of thousands. Look at how the ranchers land grab of the ground underneath our rivers. That kind of b.s. is only the beginning if the state had control of this land. I want nothing to do with the local scoundrels controlling federal lands. In fact, I'd give them more back if it were up for vote.

you seem to be assuming something here. I had a boss once who said "Never assume anything, because. .. . . at that point he went to blackboard. . . . and wrote the word in a particular way our filter won't permit, and stated emphatically that I was embarrassing him.

I understand all about your concerns for local government being corrupt. Perhaps you haven't realized how corrupt national or global governance is, as well.

That's why I argue for LIMITED government power at all levels, and more respect for personal and human rights, of which the right to hold and use property is but one.

I understand some object to anyone who misuses any property as they may judge that. That's why we have zoning ordinances everywhere where there are neighbors looking over their fences, or insomniacs hearing barking dogs next door.

If you stink much, you are in effect punching others in the nose downwind. Clean air is a defensible personal right.. . . equivalent to the "right to life" in fact. I know folks who I think carry that kind of law too far, too.

Tort law is a good area of legal practice, if you can demonstrate harm caused by another to yourself. Things we accept generally as injurious to people deserve codification. At a local level, which is sometimes best because people half a continent away really don't know what damages western range land, and what does not.

If BY had set the line at 4000 ft, nobody would be living anywhere in Utah except along the Colorado river from Moab on down, or the Virgin River below Zions' canyon. Sometimes exaggeration is fun, sometimes it's just stupid. I think BY was a lot like others I decry as "elitist", handing down ignorant (sometimes) decrees. It would have been better to build on the sides of Great Basin valleys in certain respects. That's where you have the gravels that make a building less subject to amplified earthquake damage. The clays in the center of the valleys will act like jello in any earthquake, and keep on rocking long after the original shock ends. . . .

In very broad terms, leaving more decisions to property owners or more local governments is a way of applying nature's general strategy of diversifying life and spreading risks. One central authority dictating that everyone does the same thing means we'll all go down together if anything ever happens that just isn't anticipated by that one plan.

But even more importantly, the right of an individual to own and use property is, as Blackstone observed in medieval England, equivalent to the "Right to Life". If you can't be secure in your property rights, nothing else can be secure.

Ranchers don't "grab" land beneath rivers. Everybody had a common convention on property lines: the property line is the middle of the river. It's the national government that has grabbed the land under the rivers, and in fact the wetlands adjacent to rivers, and in fact in every draw that is tributary to rivers.

You suppose "local land politics" is "the most easily and deeply corrupted cesspool there is" principally because you're as ignorant of the facts as humanly possible. You don't know anything beyond your personal experience or observation, which in fact you did not bother to research and understand. It's just like in the old song about somebody turning a nice little play spot in the woods and turning it into a parking lot. Sorta says to me somebody grew up trespassing on other people's property and complain about how the owner decided to make it a convenience for the general public needing a good place to shop.

What I do realize is, that mega-planners wanting centralized power under government force today do have ideas about taking away, or reducing, the "property rights" of everyone who owns any property, anywhere. Ever see a bumper sticker that reads "Think Globally. Act Locally" ? That's code for implementing the same plan in every community, a call to arms so to speak for footsoldiers for global management. You were right. The local politics has been corrupted. . .

I'd tell you who these people are, and what philosophy they adhere to, but too many people are complaining about my use of precise terms with accurate meanings that could describe it.
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I think most here have finally come to understand that I am not defending Bundy, per se.. but more so after Harry Reid and others for using/abusing politics and government offices to do their dirty work in pursuit of self financial gain. It just so happens that people/families are being destroyed, by the hundreds, in their wake.

Anyway, something else we just dug up.

There is a potential new highway, interchange, loop, in planning in Bunkerville. There are a few parcels in key spots for the "50 yard line" commercial valuations. The owner? Reid Bunkerville, LLC. THE owner of that LLC? Yep.

The owner of the sandwiched parcel? Bundy.
I think most here have finally come to understand that I am not defending Bundy, per se.. but more so after Harry Reid and others for using/abusing politics and government offices to do their dirty work in pursuit of self financial gain. It just so happens that people/families are being destroyed, by the hundreds, in their wake.

Anyway, something else we just dug up.

There is a potential new highway, interchange, loop, in planning in Bunkerville. There are a few parcels in key spots for the "50 yard line" commercial valuations. The owner? Reid Bunkerville, LLC. THE owner of that LLC? Yep.

The owner of the sandwiched parcel? Bundy.

Generally these are the type of people that win elections. Having principles stand between many decent politicians/citizens and public office, imo.

Do we really need to rehash Mormons' animosity towards the federal government and racist views of blacks?

Yes, Bundy's religion explained a lot to me about his outlook and stubbornness. He views himself as an altruistic patriot on a noble mission. In reality, he's a selfish cheap *** who doesn't want to pay his bills. There's a reason why people hate working in restaurants in utah county. Many Mormons are frugal cheap asses. They have large families so they try to save money with using excessive coupons and weak tips. At least once a week a fellow coworker would get a note written on a receipt saying something along the lines of, "10 percent is good enough for The Lord so why should i pay you more?"

In salt lake? Servers average a good 10-15 percent more on tips. That's literally $50-150 bucks more per day.

Every day I worked in the restaurant business in utah county we had folks thing to combine several coupons (even though they specifically state you cannot). When I worked up in salt lake? Never once did someone try to pull one on me by combining coupons.

I don't know what it's like in a "big city" like salt lake, but here in utah county people still talk about "Cain's sin" and how blacks weren't "ready" for the priesthood. I've even heard in some meetings that the holocaust was the Jews' punishment for rejecting Christ while American slavery was Cain's descendents punishment and Native American extinction/removal was their punishment for being lamanites.

The things said by that BYU professor being fired a few years ago weren't surprising to any familiar with utah county or BYU. He was merely repeating what had been said or insinuated during conference, sacrament meetings, and Sunday school countless times.

I'm not mudslinging I'm being serious here. Bundy's religious background sheds some light onto this. There's a lot of perverse thinking in rural Mormon places.

Trout, isn't your mom or grandma an ultra conservative weirdo who spews out racist vitriol? Where do you think she got that from?

Want to know what Bundy was 150 years ago? One of the MM massacre fellas. A backwards thinking hick who thought he was on some sort of altruistic mission against a foreign enemy.

Elder uchtdorf gave a talk last spring during conference about how past leaders have made mistakes. I think, in part, because of the closed-mindedness and rural nature of what was the home base of the LDS church. However, in just the past 50 years you've seen a surge in being an international church and expanding out of its rural and obscure borders.
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Mother in law, and it's not because she's a Mo -- it's because she's from Vernal and thinks Rush Limbaugh is The Christ reincarnated.
I think most here have finally come to understand that I am not defending Bundy, per se.. but more so after Harry Reid and others for using/abusing politics and government offices to do their dirty work in pursuit of self financial gain. It just so happens that people/families are being destroyed, by the hundreds, in their wake.

Anyway, something else we just dug up.

There is a potential new highway, interchange, loop, in planning in Bunkerville. There are a few parcels in key spots for the "50 yard line" commercial valuations. The owner? Reid Bunkerville, LLC. THE owner of that LLC? Yep.

The owner of the sandwiched parcel? Bundy.

Post documents please.
Post documents please.

I have these quickly. (Parcel ID's)

REID BUNKERVILLE L L C DST-901*#002-26-301-002

REID BUNKERVILLE L L C DST-800 #002-26-301-004

REID BUNKERVILLE L L C DST-800 #002-26-301-005

REID BUNKERVILLE L L C DST-800 #002-26-701-001