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Central Park Five. Birtherism.

I think racism is so ingrained in white folks that they don't even know it is there.

We have videos out there that show how rampant explicit racism is.

The internet is filled with explicit racism.

And the explicit side is just the tip of the iceberg.

I don't disagree with this.
Just today. Definitely not racist.


WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump heads to Dallas on Thursday for a discussion on race and policing that excludes the three top law enforcement officials in the county – a police chief, sheriff and district attorney who all are black.

The White House defended the snub, insisting the president will still hear a diversity of views before heading to a $10 million campaign dinner with two dozen donors who pony up at least $580,600 each for a meal and souvenir photo.

The exclusion from a roundtable on police-community relations brought a sort of resigned condemnation from Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot. Without himself or Dallas Police Chief U. Reneé Hall or Dallas County Sheriff Marian Brown, he said, “of course [Trump] would not be getting the full picture of advice from law enforcement. I don’t know who he’s going to get it from. I mean, we are the people on the ground.”
Bumped this thread thread last night as it had become dormant and appeared that nobody cared about COVID anymore. No posts about COVID since. Am I in the right thread?

Bumped this thread thread last night as it had become dormant and appeared that nobody cared about COVID anymore. No posts about COVID since. Am I in the right thread?


Yeah, this thread took a turn toward another thread.

The COVID situation is too frustrating. Cases increase and people don't care. But easy for me to say because my employment continued as normal and my life as an ill person didn't dramatically change. I'm just taking care of myself and hoping for the best for everyone else.
Yeah, this thread took a turn toward another thread.

The COVID situation is too frustrating. Cases increase and people don't care. But easy for me to say because my employment continued as normal and my life as an ill person didn't dramatically change. I'm just taking care of myself and hoping for the best for everyone else.

Same here. I like staying indoors, and both of my jobs are going strong. If anything, covid has created a ton of work for me; I spend a lot of weekend time digging up data about it.
I think the term racist is thrown around way way way way too freely. I don't think Trump is actually racist, well maybe a little. I just think he is incredibly selfish and has no self awareness. I honestly don't think he dislikes blacks or mexicans. I'm sure he thinks just as little of poor whites, but he has to pretend to like him because they vote for him.

Racism a complex and nuanced subject. When someone says “that’s racist” or “you’re racist”, do you immediate try to explain why it’s not racist? Or do you ask yourself why did they call me racist? Did I do or say something racist? They’re not just saying it to say it. Their feelings matter too. Curious.

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Idk, I think there is a difference between not caring about anyone but yourself and hating minorities more than whites. I think he hates everyone that he feels is less than him equally, except for the poor he can trick into voting for him.

I could be wrong though, whenever I hear stuff from him being attributed to him being a racist I think its a stretch. I think him calling illegals rapists and murders the worst thing he's said. Then there is his housing issues from back in the day, but I attribute that to more being a capitalist and looking to make every possible penny from things than him being against minorities.

I'm starting to sound like a Trumper, but I promise anyone that knows me personally would call me a lefty. I just get sick of anyone not pounding the drum of minorities non stop as a racist. I look out out for me first. I'm a selfish dick. I'm also white. No offense to the minorities but I'm always going to look out for me. It is what it is.

Thanks for the honesty. Why do you choose to be a “selfish dick” to other people?

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From what I hear and see most outside SLC are not wearing masks or distancing, at all. We’re famous for dropping the ball.


If you’re not being responsible out there you’re gonna keep us shut down until we have a vaccine. There’s no reason those at high risk, my parents/grandparents/ immunodeficient family, should have to live like this so you can do whatever you want.

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He is racist. And not just a little. There is no doubt.

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He seems to have a history suggestive of racism. Plus, what is bitherism, if not racist? An honest effort to ascertain a hidden truth? I doubt it. Resentment that a president was black? Seems more like it. And the Donald drove the bitherism nonsense like no one else. Trump is, admittedly, apparently addicted to conspiracism, but the birtherism conspiracy theory is Donald Trump being a racist.


  • 1973: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found evidence that Trump had refused to rent to black tenants and lied to black applicants about whether apartments were available, among other accusations. Trump said the federal government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. In the aftermath, he signed an agreement in 1975 agreeing not to discriminate to renters of color without admitting to discriminating before.
  • 1980s: Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, accused another one of Trump’s businesses of discrimination. “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Brown said. “It was the eighties, I was a teenager, but I remember it: They put us all in the back.”

One early red flag arose in 1973, when President Richard Nixon’s Justice Department — not exactly the radicals of the day — sued Trump and his father, Fred Trump, for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals.

I’ve waded through 1,021 pages of documents from that legal battle, and they are devastating. Donald Trump was then president of the family real estate firm, and the government amassed overwhelming evidence that the company had a policy of discriminating against blacks, including those serving in the military.

To prove the discrimination, blacks were repeatedly dispatched as testers to Trump apartment buildings to inquire about vacancies, and white testers were sent soon after. Repeatedly, the black person was told that nothing was available, while the white tester was shown apartments for immediate rental....
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I agree whole heartedly with your last paragraph. It seems like anyone thats not putting minorities front and center in their lives is being labeled a racist. Gotta look out for #1 ya know.
Idk, I think there is a difference between not caring about anyone but yourself and hating minorities more than whites. I think he hates everyone that he feels is less than him equally, except for the poor he can trick into voting for him.

I could be wrong though, whenever I hear stuff from him being attributed to him being a racist I think its a stretch. I think him calling illegals rapists and murders the worst thing he's said. Then there is his housing issues from back in the day, but I attribute that to more being a capitalist and looking to make every possible penny from things than him being against minorities.

I'm starting to sound like a Trumper, but I promise anyone that knows me personally would call me a lefty. I just get sick of anyone not pounding the drum of minorities non stop as a racist. I look out out for me first. I'm a selfish dick. I'm also white. No offense to the minorities but I'm always going to look out for me. It is what it is.

You are a sensible dude who makes sensible arguments and you are clearly open minded.

I'll only suggest to you that you may not be sensing latent racism. I say this as a white dude who missed this most of my life and probably still miss it today.

I grew up in a 99% white suburban town and most of the black people I was exposed to was on the 11:00 news from Phiadelphia where I saw a bunch of mug shots of black criminals. So while I like to think of myself as totally supporting minorities, calling out racism and racist bullies, pro BLM, pro kneeling, etc, etc, I know that deep inside there is a big part of me that will never "get it."

Some of my personal exposure of racism comes from having a best friend in Baltimore who was black, people assumed we were dating, and the bigoted comments and looks from both white and black people. And my kids are hispanic living with in a white privileged family, so we don't see the layered racist/ socioeconomic combo. I've prepared them for that day. Here is Archie Bunker racism (well meaning, not mean spirited): A teacher asks my daughter why she does not have food assistance for lunch money. I promise she was not asking the white girls that question.
Yeah, this thread took a turn toward another thread.

The COVID situation is too frustrating. Cases increase and people don't care. But easy for me to say because my employment continued as normal and my life as an ill person didn't dramatically change. I'm just taking care of myself and hoping for the best for everyone else.

I know I will practice social distancing, and wear a mask indoors, for the conceivable future. The day I enter a supermarket, and see hardly anyone wearing a mask, is the day I will have to figure another way to grocery shop. And I know there are ways. But maybe I am a hypocrite as well. I was supportive, still am, of the peaceful protests, even knowing they might lead to spikes in COVID-19. Cases are rising in many states, and it does not seem like the change of seasons is slowing the virus down. Not in Texas. Not in Arizona. My N95 masks arrived today, manufactured by a company approved by the CDC. Took 2 full months to arrive, I was one day from demanding a refund. I bought quite a few, with plans to have them should it grow worse around here in the Fall.

I do notice some letting up on my part. The news that it’s not easy to pick it up off inanimate surfaces, the suggestion that transmission from asymptomatic people is not common, and just the passage of time without catching the virus, I don’t feel the degree of apprehension I did two months ago. But, no crowded beaches for me this Summer, as much as I love our Atlantic beaches, no indoor crowded spaces, no crowds period.
You are a sensible dude who makes sensible arguments and you are clearly open minded.

I'll only suggest to you that you may not be sensing latent racism. I say this as a white dude who missed this most of my life and probably still miss it today.

I grew up in a 99% white suburban town and most of the black people I was exposed to was on the 11:00 news from Phiadelphia where I saw a bunch of mug shots of black criminals. So while I like to think of myself as totally supporting minorities, calling out racism and racist bullies, pro BLM, pro kneeling, etc, etc, I know that deep inside there is a big part of me that will never "get it."

Some of my personal exposure of racism comes from having a best friend in Baltimore who was black, people assumed we were dating, and the bigoted comments and looks from both white and black people. And my kids are hispanic living with in a white privileged family, so we don't see the layered racist/ socioeconomic combo. I've prepared them for that day. Here is Archie Bunker racism (well meaning, not mean spirited): A teacher asks my daughter why she does not have food assistance for lunch money. I promise she was not asking the white girls that question.

I appreciate this post. You're right, I will never get it, I do believe the term racist is used far to freely. Seems like anytime anything negative happens to a minority, its labeled racist. Sometimes it is, maybe even a majority, I don't believe it is but it could be. Sometimes people are just assfaces. To everyone. Regardless of race. I do think a lot of the time its not racism, its not about race, its about class. Wealth. Poor and rich. I don't think Trump doesn't want mexicans coming into the USA because of their race or the color of their skin. But because they are generally very poor. He thinks they are drains on society. I vehemently disagree with that stance but I don't think its about race. I'm sure Trump loves wealthy mexicans and blacks and indians. I bet he thinks the world of Carlos Slim.

Waiter gave me poor service. Racism! Or maybe they are just bad at their job and they suck for everyone?
Bartender took too long to get me a beer. Racism. Same as above.
White person doesn't go out of their way to put out a statement on George Floyd. Racism! Maybe they just aren't passionate about it.
White person says, "Jeez, maybe don't destroy the livelihoods of your own communities during these protests." Racism. Pointing out the obvious truth doesn't mean its a race issue.

Now in terms of blacks calling people out for not doing what they feel they should be doing, I think that is bull **** also. It is no one elses job but your own. I'm not saying it is up to blacks only, I'm saying it is up to those that really care. This Jessica Mulroney chick for example. On Good Morning America or something like that. A black co worker publicly puts her on blast for not making a statement on BLM, or George Floyd, or whatever during her segment. She responds with something kind of bitchy and gets fired. It's not her god damned job to take up other people's causes. If she wants to great, great for her, that is awesome. If she doesn't say anything it doesn't mean she is a racist. It means maybe its not a passion of hers. Or she doesnt feel educated enough.

I don't know. It just seems like the pendulum is swinging from far right to far left (not in the political sense just a way to describe whats going on). Gone With The Wind, an extremely overrated movie by the way, taken off of HBO because it paints the south and slavery in a positive light. God dammit its a 90 year old movie. Petitions to have the Help removed from Netflix because its a white savior movie. I'm sure Greenbook, another vastly overrated movie, will get the same treatment wherever it streams if it ever gets a chance to stream.

I would just love for everyone to find some common middle ground. I completely understand the when things are so bad for a group they feel the need to push the pendulum from one extreme to another. Does anyone win when that happens? I don't think so. I think it just causes more resentment and a deeper divide.

I just really hate when people take offense to everything. Same with white people acting like they are persecuted against. Get the F outta here. No you aren't.

Just me ranting. I just hate extremes. I hate the far right, I hate the far left. The truth and logic always always always lies somewhere in the middle
Waiter gave me poor service. Racism! Or maybe they are just bad at their job and they suck for everyone?
Bartender took too long to get me a beer. Racism. Same as above.
White person doesn't go out of their way to put out a statement on George Floyd. Racism! Maybe they just aren't passionate about it.
White person says, "Jeez, maybe don't destroy the livelihoods of your own communities during these protests." Racism. Pointing out the obvious truth doesn't mean its a race issue.

Part of the problem is thinking of these as singular examples. It's more like:

Waiters routinely gave me poor service. Racism! Or maybe it's just that I am always served by waiters who are just bad at their job and they suck for everyone?
I appreciate this post. You're right, I will never get it, I do believe the term racist is used far to freely. Seems like anytime anything negative happens to a minority, its labeled racist. Sometimes it is, maybe even a majority, I don't believe it is but it could be. Sometimes people are just assfaces. To everyone. Regardless of race. I do think a lot of the time its not racism, its not about race, its about class. Wealth. Poor and rich. I don't think Trump doesn't want mexicans coming into the USA because of their race or the color of their skin. But because they are generally very poor. He thinks they are drains on society. I vehemently disagree with that stance but I don't think its about race. I'm sure Trump loves wealthy mexicans and blacks and indians. I bet he thinks the world of Carlos Slim.

Waiter gave me poor service. Racism! Or maybe they are just bad at their job and they suck for everyone?
Bartender took too long to get me a beer. Racism. Same as above.
White person doesn't go out of their way to put out a statement on George Floyd. Racism! Maybe they just aren't passionate about it.
White person says, "Jeez, maybe don't destroy the livelihoods of your own communities during these protests." Racism. Pointing out the obvious truth doesn't mean its a race issue.

Now in terms of blacks calling people out for not doing what they feel they should be doing, I think that is bull **** also. It is no one elses job but your own. I'm not saying it is up to blacks only, I'm saying it is up to those that really care. This Jessica Mulroney chick for example. On Good Morning America or something like that. A black co worker publicly puts her on blast for not making a statement on BLM, or George Floyd, or whatever during her segment. She responds with something kind of bitchy and gets fired. It's not her god damned job to take up other people's causes. If she wants to great, great for her, that is awesome. If she doesn't say anything it doesn't mean she is a racist. It means maybe its not a passion of hers. Or she doesnt feel educated enough.

I don't know. It just seems like the pendulum is swinging from far right to far left (not in the political sense just a way to describe whats going on). Gone With The Wind, an extremely overrated movie by the way, taken off of HBO because it paints the south and slavery in a positive light. God dammit its a 90 year old movie. Petitions to have the Help removed from Netflix because its a white savior movie. I'm sure Greenbook, another vastly overrated movie, will get the same treatment wherever it streams if it ever gets a chance to stream.

I would just love for everyone to find some common middle ground. I completely understand the when things are so bad for a group they feel the need to push the pendulum from one extreme to another. Does anyone win when that happens? I don't think so. I think it just causes more resentment and a deeper divide.

I just really hate when people take offense to everything. Same with white people acting like they are persecuted against. Get the F outta here. No you aren't.

Just me ranting. I just hate extremes. I hate the far right, I hate the far left. The truth and logic always always always lies somewhere in the middle

I appreciate this post. You're right, I will never get it, I do believe the term racist is used far to freely. Seems like anytime anything negative happens to a minority, its labeled racist. Sometimes it is, maybe even a majority, I don't believe it is but it could be. Sometimes people are just assfaces. To everyone. Regardless of race. I do think a lot of the time its not racism, its not about race, its about class. Wealth. Poor and rich. I don't think Trump doesn't want mexicans coming into the USA because of their race or the color of their skin. But because they are generally very poor. He thinks they are drains on society. I vehemently disagree with that stance but I don't think its about race. I'm sure Trump loves wealthy mexicans and blacks and indians. I bet he thinks the world of Carlos Slim.

Waiter gave me poor service. Racism! Or maybe they are just bad at their job and they suck for everyone?
Bartender took too long to get me a beer. Racism. Same as above.
White person doesn't go out of their way to put out a statement on George Floyd. Racism! Maybe they just aren't passionate about it.
White person says, "Jeez, maybe don't destroy the livelihoods of your own communities during these protests." Racism. Pointing out the obvious truth doesn't mean its a race issue.

Now in terms of blacks calling people out for not doing what they feel they should be doing, I think that is bull **** also. It is no one elses job but your own. I'm not saying it is up to blacks only, I'm saying it is up to those that really care. This Jessica Mulroney chick for example. On Good Morning America or something like that. A black co worker publicly puts her on blast for not making a statement on BLM, or George Floyd, or whatever during her segment. She responds with something kind of bitchy and gets fired. It's not her god damned job to take up other people's causes. If she wants to great, great for her, that is awesome. If she doesn't say anything it doesn't mean she is a racist. It means maybe its not a passion of hers. Or she doesnt feel educated enough.

I don't know. It just seems like the pendulum is swinging from far right to far left (not in the political sense just a way to describe whats going on). Gone With The Wind, an extremely overrated movie by the way, taken off of HBO because it paints the south and slavery in a positive light. God dammit its a 90 year old movie. Petitions to have the Help removed from Netflix because its a white savior movie. I'm sure Greenbook, another vastly overrated movie, will get the same treatment wherever it streams if it ever gets a chance to stream.

I would just love for everyone to find some common middle ground. I completely understand the when things are so bad for a group they feel the need to push the pendulum from one extreme to another. Does anyone win when that happens? I don't think so. I think it just causes more resentment and a deeper divide.

I just really hate when people take offense to everything. Same with white people acting like they are persecuted against. Get the F outta here. No you aren't.

Just me ranting. I just hate extremes. I hate the far right, I hate the far left. The truth and logic always always always lies somewhere in the middle

I'm glad that we can disagree (to a degree), but still have a sensible discussion. Thanks.
I I don't think Trump doesn't want mexicans coming into the USA because of their race or the color of their skin. But because they are generally very poor. He thinks they are drains on society.

Trump does this to pander to his base, instill them with fear, just to get votes. He loves cheap labor coming into the country that his businesses can exploit. He knows immigrants create more value for Americans (especially businessmen) than they drain from society.
Sometimes people are just assfaces. To everyone. Regardless of race.

I get this. I hear women complain that "so and so mansplained that to me" and I'm like "yeah, me too"

And the ******* who beat up Floyd, might just be a sadistic bastard who beats the sh#t out of all perps.

That said, we get out of the weeds and we can see trends.
Bumped this thread thread last night as it had become dormant and appeared that nobody cared about COVID anymore. No posts about COVID since. Am I in the right thread?


Going strong, after we hit 100,000 deaths COVID fatigue set in. ~1,000 more dead every day in USA, 5,000 globally.
Going strong, after we hit 100,000 deaths COVID fatigue set in. ~1,000 more dead every day in USA, 5,000 globally.
Is that why this is now the impeach Donald Trump meets racism and policing in America thread? That's more my point.
Bumped this thread thread last night as it had become dormant and appeared that nobody cared about COVID anymore. No posts about COVID since. Am I in the right thread?


With COVID government protests, BLM protests, upcoming Trump rallies, and stuff opening up, it's going to be a really really crappy year.

Fact is that if we weren't being stupid, the situation would be improving.

I think the third world is going to get really ugly once COVID hits.