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Let’s discuss Joe Ingles

That's one example. Now go ahead and match that with all the other ones incurred. 2 just this year. Exum for another. Go ahead and pull together your pickup game injured list and compare it to organized summer games. You act like organized games are less dangerous. If that's the case, and presuming that most players play pickup games each year, why are the vast majority of injuries incurred during organized play? Nice attempt at a straw man, and anecdotal evidence is nice and all, but next time try actually thinking.

Edit: 3 this summer, missed Barrett for the Canadians.

Did a quick Google search for basketball injuries. Quite a bit more attributed to organized play than pick up games. Shocking I know.

Edit 2: looks like Jamal Murray had an akle injury practicing with the Canadian team. 4 NBA players with injuries so far just this year.

Then add in Exum, and even Paul George a few years ago.

Still having a hard time finding many injuries attributed to pickup games other than boogie. Maybe he's made of glass.

It depends on the guys they are playing with. NBA players aren't going to the rec center and playing the guy in Jeans that hasn't played in 10 years that wants to undercut everyone on every layup. Guys are going to play much harder in an actual games which leads to greater risk and exertion... and more injuries.

So it sucks that there is greater risk of injury... but for a guy like DM the experience and reps he gets I think will be valuable in his development... Joe is already perfect so there isn't much benefit for him.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it still fall?

You think Rudy Gobert is going to call a reporter to tell him he sprained aj ankle during a pickup game? Your argument falls apart if you start including anything that isnt major surgery because we have no way of knowing what happens during pickup games unless its major surgery.
So just go back and identify lost games due to organized summer play and due to pickup games.

And no, Exums injury has not hurt him that much. He just isnt that great and was never going to be.
This I can agree with. However it certainly didn't help him become whatever he will be.
It depends on the guys they are playing with. NBA players aren't going to the rec center and playing the guy in Jeans that hasn't played in 10 years that wants to undercut everyone on every layup. Guys are going to play much harder in an actual games which leads to greater risk and exertion... and more injuries.

So it sucks that there is greater risk of injury... but for a guy like DM the experience and reps he gets I think will be valuable in his development... Joe is already perfect so there isn't much benefit for him.
I don't deny that the experience can be valuable. I just dispute the risk/reward assessment.
It depends on the guys they are playing with. NBA players aren't going to the rec center and playing the guy in Jeans that hasn't played in 10 years that wants to undercut everyone on every layup. Guys are going to play much harder in an actual games which leads to greater risk and exertion... and more injuries.

So it sucks that there is greater risk of injury... but for a guy like DM the experience and reps he gets I think will be valuable in his development... Joe is already perfect so there isn't much benefit for him.

The only logical complaint is that it starts your season earlier, so you dont have as much potential rest time. So it may increase your likelihood of injury during the season. But it may decrease your chance of injury as well since you will be in better shape to start camp.

All of this is just people speculating on instances they can recall. No hard data.
And now Darius Miller ruptured his achilles playing 3-on-3.
Saw that... sucks, but at least he got that bag before it happened... would have been super sad had he not gotten paid.
0 way of knowing because none of this is reported.

All of below was reported from reputable sources, but then again folks often lie about it. And it does not include the other stuff they are doing besides playing in the international ball (remember Andrew Bynum?). And it was a 5 minute google search.

*****Monte Ellis injured in pickup game. Devin booker reinsured his hand during a pickup game and this led to surgery and missed time. Ben McLemore. Brandon Knight. TJ Ford. Boogie.

Goes way back. Michael Jordan missed three months after a Ron Artest elbow broke his ribs. And Larry Bird injured his back after being undercut during a charity game, shortening his career.*****
The only logical complaint is that it starts your season earlier, so you dont have as much potential rest time. So it may increase your likelihood of injury during the season. But it may decrease your chance of injury as well since you will be in better shape to start camp.

All of this is just people speculating on instances they can recall. No hard data.

I think its 6s one way half a dozen the other... I think the one potential knock would be less time for just skill development for younger guys, but I think the reps/experience likely trump that... was kinda shocked some of the dudes that said no that are on the younger side.

Substituting a few practice/pickup sessions for hard fought games may ever so slightly increase the injury risk... the fatigue from games and travel may be an issue... we started our offseason a little early this year so I think we will be rested and ready to go.

Injuries happen... these guys get a lot out of playing for their countries... I'm happy they get to participate and wish them all a safe return.
All of below was reported from reputable sources, but then again folks often lie about it. And it does not include the other stuff they are doing besides playing in the international ball (remember Andrew Bynum?). And it was a 5 minute google search.

*****Monte Ellis injured in pickup game. Devin booker reinsured his hand during a pickup game and this led to surgery and missed time. Ben McLemore. Brandon Knight. TJ Ford. Boogie.

Goes way back. Michael Jordan missed three months after a Ron Artest elbow broke his ribs. And Larry Bird injured his back after being undercut during a charity game, shortening his career.*****

I think Ellis got hurt on a moped, but he may have been hurt in a pickup game too.
0 way of knowing because none of this is reported.
Sure it is. Go see how many players missed games right at the beginning of the season and see how many had an injury reported during summer play, which always gets reported. Any that didn't show summer league play injuries assume they were pickup games.
Sure it is. Go see how many players missed games right at the beginning of the season and see how many had an injury reported during summer play, which always gets reported. Any that didn't show summer league play injuries assume they were pickup games.
Or they get injured playing pickup dont report to teams, play through it during the season then get hurt again.
You cant know because its not reported.
That’s some elite level ****.

Start him and Bojan, then sub them both out 4-7 minutes in for Greene and O’Neale, then bring them back in to destroy other benches.

This is exactly what I would do if I was Quin.
Seems like Ingles plays a little more confident and aggressive for Australia than he does for the Jazz. Love how he sees the floor.