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Until we answer the questions of how many test India has, and how many of its poor are being tested, it's really all speculation.

India is an incredibly racist and classist country. Guaranteed that there’s massive chunks of their population the authorities wouldn’t bother with and in incredible poverty that wil never be counted
apart from the fact she’s condemned their tourism industry until a vaccine comes around and smashed more of their economy for the same result that Australia has with a more measured staged approach.
ah the good old spat between Aussies and Kiwi's... no matter what ours is better:)?
1. Trump puts out federal guidelines to reopen
2. Michigan Governor following trump's guidelines, does not reopen the economy
3. Trump tweets "Free Michigan!"
5. Trump supporters cry "tyranny"
6. Trump supporters arm themselves and storm the capital.

We need our country back.
This is so disturbing

These delusional Trumpers are really winning the rest of us over to their cause. I mean, I’m totally convinced now that Michigan’s stay at home orders are too draconian.
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Someone I know shared this on Facebook. For me, it's brushing people who've died under the rug.


@One Brow @Zombie
You guys are pretty informed.

If anything this speaks to the absolute **** show that we're currently living in. People get sick, go to the hospital and die and are never confirmed as having Covid-19 because there aren't enough diagnostic tests. So it becomes a guessing game for the doctor who fills out the death certificate. Some put Covid-19, others pneumonia. But before you start marching in the streets without a mask on take a look at these numbers:

Deaths attributed to pneumonia this year:
New York - up 651%
New Jersey - up 670%
Michigan - up 172%

These numbers speak for themselves.

It also bears mentioning that, historically, the true number of people who die during a pandemic are typically underreported during the infection period. For example deaths attributed to the swine flu in 2009 were initially reported at about 20 thousand - a study done three years later put the number of deaths at close to 285 thousand.

I think something worth investigating is why is the richest country in the world currently 42nd in Covid-19 testing per capita.
People get sick, go to the hospital and die and are never confirmed as having Covid-19 because there aren't enough diagnostic tests. So it becomes a guessing game for the doctor who fills out the death certificate.
Though I can not speak for every hospital, I would feel confident in saying that this is not true and the number of people dying in hospitals where they weren’t able to be tested would be infinitesimally small. Though there may not be as much testing available generally, those shortages will typically be diverted to other lower risk situations. The amount of resources consumed by a COVID+ patient or one under investigation is massive. As an example, one of the hospitals I work at where I do inpatient (not Utah), we had an outbreak of COVID-19 on our unit and it’s been a disaster. At some point I’ll post more about that, but not now. When testing first came out and was scarce, we had a couple people develop symptoms but without any known exposure and we tested everyone on the unit. Later, we did have a staff member who had a known exposure and retested and got positives. As a result of this, we’ve had to completely shut down the unit to any new admissions or discharges. We’ve had to isolate the positives, and retest the negatives. When one of the negatives then tested positive, we started this process all over again. So if someone is in the hospital, it’s imperative to know if they’re there with COVID, because if they’re not, they need to be off a COVID unit, and you can start to free up things like negative pressure rooms, and place them somewhere where staff can redirect that PPE to COVID+ patients.

I’d suspect the only possible exception to this is if local public health authorities in an epicenter diverted all testing away from places where there’s a high pre-test probability and moved those into areas with much lower pre-test probabilities as a containment strategy, but that’d be a very interesting, and controversial, strategy.

If people are dying at home, then that may be a different story.
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Though I can not speak for every hospital, I would feel confident in saying that this is not true and the number of people dying in hospitals where they weren’t able to be tested would be infinitesimally small..

That may be true in Utah but that's certainly not the case in New York or in New Jersey where l live.

As I mentioned earlier my wife works for the DOH in a densely populated lower/working class city in NJ. There are people who don't go to the hospital until they are at death's door because they have little or no health insurance or in many cases because they're undocumented and living in the country illegally. These people die before they are tested or before they receive the test results. In other cases people are so far gone the decision is made not to waste a test because of the scarcity and because of lab back-logs. This happens literally everyday.
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I think the fact that our testing has been essentially non-existent through so much of this means we really have no idea how many deaths this year were from COVID-19 vs the flu. I remember seeing a chart that showed that as deaths related to COVID began to rise, reporting on death from the flu just dropped off a cliff. This is fairly consistent with previous years, but with higher rates this year it was a more precipitous drop than it really should have been. So I think it is pretty obviously they are conflating the numbers. This was already shaping up to be a terrible flu season, then COVID came along and the deaths and illnesses were attributed to that presumptively.

As others have said, it is a total ****-show and the fact that America is so far behind the curve shows exactly how inept and impotent our heavily partisan government has become. 30, maybe even 20, years ago we would have been the world leaders in fighting this thing. Now, we bicker and pontificate and don't do ****. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Someone I know shared this on Facebook. For me, it's brushing people who've died under the rug.


@One Brow @Zombie
You guys are pretty informed.

The middle column represents, more than anything else, an insufficiency of being able to test for COVID19.

If the cause of the deaths were primarily from the seasonal flu, then the seasonal flu went from being about average (in terms of deaths caused) during December/January to much, much worse than average during March/April. It's much more likely that the spike in deaths came from the new, deadly disease with similar symptoms.
Very fine people, on both sides. They were being called nazis but then they do **** like this. Trumpers sure are convincing us with these protests that we need to open our economy up, Amiright?

for those of you wondering, the sign says:

“Work Sets you Free.” It was the sign over Auschwitz, where 1 million jews met their deaths.

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And here we see some very good people, just a little angry, posing in front of the governor's office. Yes, lets make a deal...
