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Conley irrelevant...

Yeah... Adding another good player to a good team will hurt it... Especially one that is known as a positive locker room guy and a team player...

We are playing well without him during the easiest stretch of games we have this year.
This. Everything I can find in the media is that the jazz had a superior offer (1 more guaranteed year... Huge for an aging player) and the only players I can find bojan mentioning by name are Mitchell and gobert. He also mentioned the entire roster, which at that point included Conley so there is that. I think the "bogie ONLY signs because of Conley" line is severely overblown.
what is even more overblown is the idea that "conley will helps us go further in the playoff"

i mean, why not just look up memphis records in the playoffs? they are pretty much the embodiment of "high floor low ceiling" typa team that's always been hanging around but never ever came close to championship contention. so if you want that "came close, but not really" typa playoff experience, you bring in conley.

the closest they ever got was in 2013, in which they were simply fortunate to have faced a clippers team that had Griffin battling an injury all series long, then a thunder team that lost westbrook. and finally getting swept by the spurs in the conference finals. if you call that "playoff winning experience", then we for sure had a "championship team" in 2007 when we at least took 1 game from spurs, a team that eventually went on to win the championship that year.

i mean, maybe memphis just had a poor supporting cast that were holding conley back right? he did everything he could but simply was stuck with bad teammates, right?


oh, in clutch moments during memphis' playoff runs, or more specifically, in win or go home games:

G5 versus thunder, Memphis trailed 1 to 3, win or go home. Conley went 3 for 12, luckily Grizz won.
G6, still trailed 2 to 3, conley again went 7 for 19 shooting in a Memphis loss and subsequently eliminated

G5 versus Clippers, trailed 1 to 3. Conley 4 for 10 in a Grizz win.
G6, 2 to 3, Conley 4 for 9(wow!) in a Grizz win.
G7, winner takes all, Conley went 2 for 13 in a Grizz loss, yikes...

conference finals versus spurs, trailed 0 to 3, Conley 4 for 13 in a SWEPT to finish up the best Grit n Grind run ever.

G7 versus Thunder, winner takes all, 8 for 14(WOW!!!!!!) in a Grizz loss.

G6 versus Warriors, trailed 2 to 3, win or go home, Conley? 3 for 13......

G6 versus Spurs, Conley's BEST playoffs performance ever??? 7 for 18 to finish G6 in a Grizz loss...

so a baller comes playoff? a clutch player that's gonna help us advance further in the playoffs??? in order to qualify for that category, you should at least put up: great productions on less efficiency, moderate productions on great efficiency, or high productions on high efficiency(superstars or HoFers). Unfortunately, i don't think Conley fits any of that. 16 pts on 41% shooting just isn't that good, period.

and yeah yeah, people can say conley helps us in areas other than shooting and scoring, but when we let Rubio go, what were we looking at really? to upgrade our shooting and scoring...

if you want playmaking, hustle plays or defense, why not keep Rubio, who's probably better than Conley in those areas at this point of his career? so i think the issue with the conley acquisition is that we took a step backwards in terms of size, defense, playmaking, rebounding without much improving(still improved, just not by much...) our shooting/scoring.

if we brought in someone like Chris Paul, who at least had some elite shooting/scoring records in playoffs, then that's a different story.
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I just think the jazzs obsession with trying to acquire conley the last few years was a case of not being able to see the forest through the trees and was unnecessary.

Yeah, in retrospect I think you make a good point. If management had of realized what a potent combination Ingles and Mitchell were last season we could have saved our goose egg and had a lot more flexibility moving forward. Looking back though, I don't think either Ingles or Mitchell were the same players then that they are now. Last year, Ingles used to try my patience by passing up open looks in favor of the assist, even when he was wide open going to the cup he'd often kick it back out - drove me crazy! And Mitchell was just the opposite going for his own all the time, taking ill-advised shots, shooting a poor percentage. So I can't fault management for that I guess. My preference at the time was a bigger bodied pg on a better deal like D.Russ, or G.Hill - I admit I didn't see Brogdan being what he is. Still I think it made more sense from a financial standpoint. That being said, I don't think we've seen anywhere near what Conley can give us yet. So I prefer to reserve judgement until at least the end of the season.

PS Without Conley, I think it's safe to assume that we don't get Mudiay. Though you can argue that we could, I just don't think it happens in this player driven league. Mudiay has been a key piece in our improved bench play. He's also a great locker room guy, as I imagine Davis is as well.
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We’re gonna sign Gasol this summer... we’ll get to see some Conley/Gasol pick and pop.
Ok so trade crowder for something alot cheaper than conley whose not shooting much better this year than crowder.

Its not about whose the better player or who offers more its about who offers the most at what price.

Conley is making 32 mil this year is the highest paid player on the team and as the title of the thread suggests is irrelevant.

Jazz could do a lot more with 32 mil than what mike conley offers whether thats in the form of a couple bench guys or a starter.

Why not roll some of that money over to retaining favors and bring him off the bench at the 4 or 5?

Jazz could definitely use some depth at 4 and 5 with Ed davis being a bust and tony bradley being meh at best.

Instead the jazz get a depleted bench and a PG that doesnt defend well isnt shooting well and cost 32mil

Thats a poor allocation of resources that could have been used elsewhere.

In no world is conley worth 32 mil for the Jazz.
You are missing the point, No Conley= No Bogdanovic and probably no Mudiay.
The Jazz starters with Conley were playing pretty well before he got hurt, it was the bench that was getting lit up and lost games for us.

Is Conley worth 30M? No probably not, but was it worth it for Bogey, and Mudiay? Absolutely.
Another thing getting Conley didn't really stop us from adding pieces, we still got Clarkson, Davis, Green, Bogey, And Mudiay. Maybe some of those were misses, but who cares the overall effect is that this team is far better and that is despite that Conley hasn't really played up to his standard yet.
The Jazz are trying to win a championship. The Conley and Bogdanovic moves gave us our best chance.

People need to stop playing these games in their mind where we could have gotten this player or that player instead.

No magical fairy unicorn existed. The harsh reality is that if we miss the Conley deal we very likely don't get Bogey and we end up running it back with Favors and Rubio and that team just wasn't good enough.

When you see the girl of your dreams what do you do? Do you sit and daydream about that girl? Do convince yourself a better girl exists somewhere out there? Or do you go win the heart of the dream girl right in front of your face?

The Jazz saw the chance put a ring on it and didn't let the chance go. Some of y'all let the chick walk while you were daydreaming and now you're looking at a bunch of middle aged fat hairy men.
Jokes aside, I have been critical of the Conley acquisition, but I'm feeling kind of hopeful for his return.

I think there can be a role for him that adds another dimension to this team.

Certainly don't want him or the Jazz to fail.
Isn't Conley replacing Royce like the 5th best 5 man lineup in the league? That was done against better competition, no?
No... that lineup is actually negative but small minutes... Conley for Ingles is good.
Yeah... Adding another good player to a good team will hurt it... Especially one that is known as a positive locker room guy and a team player...

We are playing well without him during the easiest stretch of games we have this year.
Having a good player that has played pretty bad replace another good player that is playing well in a lineup that is key to a pretty great stretch of wins is the concern... not just adding him to the rotation.

Some of y’all are over simplifying the potential issue. We have multiple players in the starting lineup that are doing the things we want Conley to do... they are doing it at a much higher level than Mike was... those players also bring important things that Mike doesn’t. If Mike comes back and isn’t significantly improved over what he was earlier in the year we will be worse... we don’t get any “name brand” bonus points because it’s Mike Conley.
Some of y’all are over simplifying the potential issue. We have multiple players in the starting lineup that are doing the things we want Conley to do... they are doing it at a much higher level than Mike was... those players also bring important things that Mike doesn’t. If Mike comes back and isn’t significantly improved over what he was earlier in the year we will be worse... we don’t get any “name brand” bonus points because it’s Mike Conley.

We can however reasonably expect Conley's next forty games to more closely resemble his previous couple of hundred games than his last twenty.

And the player he was in those last couple hundred games is absolutely a player than can help this team win more games.
We can however reasonably expect Conley's next forty games to more closely resemble his previous couple of hundred games than his last twenty.

And the player he was in those last couple hundred games is absolutely a player than can help this team win more games.
Maybe... even probably... but maybe he is declining or the system doesn’t fit... he’s been bad but when he was bad we didn’t have other good options... he will have to be really damn good to take possessions away from DM, Ingles, Bojan without costing us something.
you guys are so near-sighted. Conley is here to take us to the next level in the playoffs. Of course we are a good regular season team, with or without him. That's not the point. The point is to have another guy when we are playing the clippers or the lakers in the post season. We're going to need him if we want a chance at making the conference finals. There will come a time when ingles at point forward won't be enough and that's where all the extra firepower comes into play.